- The top wall crack phenomenon in brick and concrete structure is analy zed in brief, especially about the stress when the crack is split, and the reaso n of crack producing is put forward. 对砖混结构顶层墙体裂缝现象作了简要分析 ,特别分析了裂缝开裂时的受力状况 ,提出了裂缝产生的原因。
- Design and Construction of the Added Layer in Brick and Concrete Structure 砖混房屋结构的加层设计与施工
- Wall Cracks'Analysis and Protective Measures of Brick and Concrete Structure 砖混结构墙体裂缝分析和防治措施
- Crack Cause Analysis and Prevention in The Wall of Brick and Concrete Structure 砖混结构墙体裂缝产生原因及防治措施
- Crack analysis and Processing of a House with Brick and Concrete Structure 某砖混结构房屋裂缝分析与处理
- Discussion on design of belt type foundation with brick and concrete structure 砖混结构条形基础设计探讨
- Design and construction of boards wall in teaching building with brick and concrete structure 砖混结构教学楼夹板墙的设计与施工
- Control of Cracks in Top Wall of Brick and Concrete Structure due to Temperature Difference 砖混结构墙顶温度裂缝的控制
- Analysis of Crevice Arising in the Wall of Top Floor with Brick and Concrete Structure and Treatment 砖混结构顶层墙体裂缝的分析与防治
- Analysis of Reason for Crack of Brick and Concrete Structure Floor-board and Its Preventive Measure 砖混结构楼板裂缝的原因分析及预防措施
- Discussion on cracking control of wall body for brick and concrete structure building 砖混结构房屋的墙体裂缝控制探讨
- A New Method of Using Steel Structure to Reinforce Brick and Concrete. 一种用钢结构加固砖混结构的新方法。
- On the Reformation of Two-storey Building of Brick and Concrete Structure by Changing Post 砖混结构首层墙体托梁换柱改造
- Measure of Eliminating Cracks on Top Floor of Brick and Concrete Structure Building 砖混结构房屋顶层墙体裂缝及安全处理措施
- One day, he noticed something sprouting among the broken bricks and concrete. 一天,注意到在瓦砾和水泥块中萌发出什么东西。
- Treatment and thinking on the multi-layered brick and concrete structural walling joint 多层砖混结构墙体裂缝的处理与思考
- brick and concrete structure 砖混结构
- While in traditional architecture materials such as earth, stone, brick and wood are used, the materials of modern architecture are steel, glass and concrete. 传统建筑使用土石和砖木等材料,而现代建筑的材料是钢铁,玻璃和混凝土等。
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
- While in traditional architecture materials such as earth , stone, brick and wood are used,the materials of modern architecture are steel ,glass, and concrete. 当传统的建筑还在使用泥土、石头、砖块、木材等原料时,现代化的建筑材料如钢筋、玻璃和混凝土已悄然兴起。