- She makes tea with boiling water. 她用开水泡茶。
- brew tea with boiling water 滚水泡茶
- He made a cup of black tea with boiling water and tasted it slowly. 用沸水泡上一杯红茶,他慢慢地品尝。
- Those who could afford it drank beer or tea with boiled water instead. 那些可以负担得起的人则喝啤酒或者用开水沏茶。
- Rinse the cooked pasta with boiling water. 将做熟的面食在开水里过一下。
- Ada scalded her hand with boiling water. 艾妲的手被开水烫伤了。
- She refilled the teapot with boiling water. 她把茶壶又添满了开水。
- For him is Entertainment with Boiling Water. 那末,他将享受沸水的款待,
- Usnea shredding will be with the chrysanthemum, ceramic tea cup with the Add, the bubble is drunk with boiling water. 将松萝切碎,与菊花、茶叶同放入陶瓷茶杯中,用沸水泡饮。
- The water is found to be exceptionally pure and refreshing. Every drop is a treat, as it is, so to say, the "saliva of the dragon and the mythical lizard."One can drink it as it is or brew tea with it. 九龙山的泉水,因为是龙口里吐出来的,为“龙津螭唾”,真是“滴滴香浓”,清冽甘甜,饮用、沏茶,天下少有。
- It's not difficult. You fill the teapot with boiling water. 这不难。你往茶壶里注满沸水。
- And with boiling water coes stea.And steam can power a locomotive. 水沸腾就会产生蒸汽,蒸汽就能驱动机车。
- make tea with boiling water 将开水沏茶
- Ms.Tison uses mineral or spring water for brewing.One of the most common mistakes people make when brewing tea, she says, is adding boiling water, which burns the leaves and turns them bitter. 绿茶采摘季节从晚春一直延续到秋季,夏季正好处于中间。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- Treatable hyperlipidemia: Hawthorn taking 20 grams, 10 grams Motherwort, 5 grams of tea, brewed with boiling water, this generation of tea a day can be used. 可治疗高脂血症:取山楂20克,益母草10克,茶叶5克,用沸水冲泡,每日可以此代茶饮用。
- My third was, that there was nothing but the enamel paint, which had dissolved with boiling water. 又一想,顿然释怀,原来我一切都好好的,这只是瓷漆,在热水中融化了。
- Pour green tea bubble with boiling water first, grape and candy add cold water 60 milliliter, mix drink with green tea juice, can fight consenescence and retain green vigor. 先将绿茶用沸水冲泡,葡萄与糖加冷水60毫升,与绿茶汁混饮,可抗衰老和保持青春活力。
- I'd like to place an order for some tea with you. 我想从贵公司订购一些茶叶。
- Therefore, when it appropriate to eat spinach with boiling water scalding soft, remove Zaichao. 故吃菠菜时宜先用沸水烫软,捞出再炒。