- breech preponderance 炮尾超重
- A gun or other firearm loaded at the breech. 后膛枪,后膛炮在后膛装弹药的枪或其它火器
- Greater weight or importance; preponderance. 在重量上远远超过
- A similar device in any breech mechanism. 栓在有膛机械中的类似设备
- Greater weight or importance;preponderance. 在重量上远远超过
- I had some preponderance than him also. 我还有比他优越的地方。
- The parts of a gun that make up the breech. 后膛部件组成枪后膛的部件
- There is a preponderance of tiger in the forest. 森林里老虎数量最多。
- Ahmed's dismantled body lies on the breech but Brindejonc is safe. Ahmed残破尸体躺在炮位,但是布林德戎科毫发无伤。
- There is not sufficient preponderance over enemy in the front line. 在前线,我们对于敌人并没有显著的优势。
- The least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale. 给任何一个盘子增加最微小的重量都会使天平失去平衡。
- The state or quality of being predominant; preponderance. 显著,优势显著、突出的状态或性质;优势
- There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August. 七、八月间炎热的日子最多。
- A second problem is the preponderance of family-controlled firms. 问题之二是家族控制企业盛行。
- The state or quality of being predominant;preponderance. 显著,优势显著、突出的状态或性质;优势
- The small hole at the breech of a gun through which the charge is ignited. 火门弹药通过其点燃的枪后膛上的小孔
- When the breech was closed and all was ready, the gunner yanked the lanyard. 大炮后膛门关上后,一切准备就绪,炮手拉动引火绳。
- A flame produced in the breech of a gun by ignition of residual gases. 逆火,炮尾焰枪管内残余气体的燃烧而产生的火焰
- So with the preponderance of evidence suggesting that breakfast really is key. 下一个问题是:孩子吃的食物种类是否有影响?
- A rope formerly used to secure the breech of a cannon to the side of a ship to control the recoil. 驻退索以前用于把炮尾缚牢在船侧以控制炮身后退的绳索