- breather pipe packing 通气管气封
- I must go out for a quick breather. 我得出去换换脑子了。
- Phillip is packing up his goods. 菲利普正包装他的货物。
- Our packing method shall be improved. 我们的包装方法应加以改进。
- I told her to pipe down but she still babbled on. 我叫她闭嘴,可她还是唠叨个没完。
- The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out. 水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。
- I'll be packing up my thing then. 那时候我在收拾行李。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- Stencil an address on a packing case. 用模板在包装箱上印刷地址。
- His new TV came in a big packing case. 他新购的电视机是装在一只大的包装箱内运来的。
- She tried to interfere, but I sent her packing! 她想多管闲事,我把她赶走了!
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- Packing has a close bearing on sales. 包装直接关系到产品的销售。
- So be it. We shall smoke the pipe of peace. 好吧,咱们抽袋烟言和吧!
- Gushes of water sprayed out of the pipe. 好几股水流从管子里喷出来。
- Is meat packing a big industry in your country? 在你们国家里,肉类加工厂是否算一门大型工业?
- Water is spouting out of the pipe. 水正从管子里喷出来。
- Packing one liter bottle15 bottle per carton. 包装:每瓶一公升,每箱15瓶。
- He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe. 他把烟丝紧紧摁实在烟斗里。
- Suddenly oil sprang forth from the pipe. 油突然从管子里喷了出来。