- The coal slipped after her, hissed when she got into the water, and breathed her last. 煤块跟着掉了下去,碰到水发出咝的一声,就送了命。
- I slipped unobtrusively into the middle of the distressing tumult,saddened to think that all this was taking place next to the very room where the unfortunate creature whose furniture was being sold up to pay her debts,had breathed her last. 我默默地混进了这堆纷乱的人群。我在想,这情景发生在这个可怜的女人咽气的卧室近旁,为的是拍卖她的家具来偿付她生前的债务,想到这里,心中不免感到无限惆怅。
- I slipped unobtrusively into the middle of the distressing tumult, saddened to think that all this was taking place next to the very room where the unfortunate creature whose furniture was being sold up to pay her debts, had breathed her last. 我默默地混进了这堆纷乱的人群。 我在想,这情景发生在这个可怜的女人咽气的卧室近旁,为的是拍卖她的家具来偿付她生前的债务,想到这里,心中不免感到无限惆怅。
- I don't see the point of her last remark. 我不明白她最后那句话的意思。
- Her solicitor drew up her last will and testament. 她的律师拟就了她的遗嘱。
- Her last question threw me for a moment. 她最后一个问题我一时回答不出。
- I dreamt about seeing her last night. 我昨晚梦见了她。
- She has smartened up since I met her last. 自我上次见到她之後,她变得漂亮了。
- I dreamt of seeing her last night. 我昨晚梦见了她。
- The dying woman groaned out her last words. 垂死的女人呻吟着说出了她临终的话。
- Her last film grossed (ie earned) a million pounds. 她拍最後一部影片总共赚了一百万英镑。
- Her last school report shocked her parents into action. 她上学期的成绩报告单使其父母大为震惊,决定采取行动。
- Her last novel run into three reprints in its first year of publication. 她最近的一部小说在出版当年就印行了三次。
- breathe her lastvi. 断气(死)
- He felt completely crushed (ie humiliated) by her last remark. 他听到她最後的一番话感到深受凌辱。
- It's suddenly come back to him where he saw her last. 他突然记起上次看到她的地方。
- His infatuation with her lasted six months. 他对她迷恋了半年。
- The man gulps down the blood of the woman just losing her last breath. 那男人吞下这女人的鲜血,她刚咽下最后一口气。
- It'll be really great to actually meet her last. 终于真的同她见面,实在好极了。
- Her new record doesn't come up to her last one. 她的新纪录次于上一次的纪录。