- Is it necessary to reeducate the aged to break with fetish? 有必要对老年人进行破除迷信的教育吗?
- 1.Is it necessary to reeducate the aged to break with fetish? 有必要对老年人进行破除迷信的教育吗?
- I've decided to break with Silvia once and for all. 我决定同西尔维亚彻底绝交。
- He's made a clean break with the past. 他完全改变了过去的生活方式。
- It's difficult to break with old habits. 要去掉旧习惯可不容易。
- Finally she made the break with her family. 她最终与家庭脱离了关系。
- John made a clean break with the past. 约翰与过去彻底一刀两断了。
- For this he decided to break with his feudalistic family. 为此他决定和他的封建主义家庭决裂。
- They decided to break with (ie not observe) tradition. 他们决定要打破传统。
- She's been depressed since the break with her boy-friend. 她自从与男朋友断绝关系以来一直情绪消沉。
- break with fetish 破除盲目崇拜
- He broke with the Conservative Party over Europe. 因在欧洲问题上看法不同,他脱离了保守党。
- It's possible to break with old habits. 改掉老习惯是可能的。
- We must make a clean break with old ideas. 我们必须与旧观念彻底决裂。
- He recently broke with the party he had belonged to. 他最近脱离了自己原来参加的党派。
- I do not hold with the idea to break with john. 我不同约翰绝交。
- I don't hold with the idea to break with John. 我不赞成同约翰绝交。
- He needed to make a complete break with the past. 他得与过去彻底告别。
- She wanted to make a clean break with the past. 她与过去完全断绝。
- My heart is ready to break with grief. 我伤心得心都碎了。