- He break a rib when he fall off his horse. 他从马上摔下来折断了一根肋骨。
- He broke a rib when he fell off his horse. 他从马上摔下来折断了一根肋骨。
- He has broken a rib and the doctor has strapped it up. 他断了一根肋骨,医生已包扎好了。
- Maureen, who is 36 years old, can break a rib fairly easily simply by swinging a golf club. 陈梁梦莲,他是36岁时,可以打破肋骨相当轻松简单地摆动球杆。
- The butcher chopped off a rib of frozen pork. 屠夫砍下一块冻肉的肋条。
- He break a rib when he fall off his horse 他从马上摔下来折断了一根肋骨
- It is unlucky to break a mirror. 打破镜子被认为是不吉利的。
- He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday. 我们正要去度假,他却偏偏摔断了腿。
- If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. 打喷嚏太用力的话肋骨可能会骨折。
- The surface between the ribs of a ribbed vault. 梁腹,腹板某扇形拱的胁拱之间的平面
- Can you break a ten-dollar bill? 你能兑开一张10元钞票吗?
- I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy. 为了买糖果我把这100美元兑换成零钱。
- Tom broke a lance with Bill yesterday. 昨天汤姆和比尔发生了争论。
- Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. 如果你有意令一颗心碎,就不要走进别人的生活。
- He broke a leg and was hospitalized for a month. 他摔断了一条腿,住院治疗一个月。
- If you make a promise you should keep it; you ought not to break a promise. 如果你作出了承诺,你就应该遵守诺言,不应该食言。
- To shape, support, or provide with a rib or ribs. 支撑:制作、支撑或提供一个或多个肋状物。
- She bettered her own record; break a record. 她超过了她自己的记录;打破记录。
- We dare to break a path unbeaten before. 我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路。
- I'll break a lance with you in argument. 我要和你辩论,一决胜负。