- brain stem reticular formation 脑干网状体
- Retrograde tracing revealed that regenerated axons originated from brain stem nuclei, including red nucleus, locus coeruleus, raphe nucleus, vestibular nucleus, and reticular formation. 神经逆向追踪结果证实移植细胞后可帮助上脊髓神经核包括红核、蓝斑核、缝核、前庭核及网状结构内的神经元再生。
- reticular formation of brain stem 脑干网状结构
- brain stem reticular activating system 脑干网状体激活系统
- Effect of selective posterior rhizotomy on the c-Fos expression in the enlarged lumbar spinal cord and the facilitation and inhibition sections in reticular formation of brain stem in rats 选择性脊神经后根切断刺激对大鼠脊髓腰膨大以及脑干网状结构抑制区和易化区c-Fos表达的影响
- They are in the pons part of the brain stem. 这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。
- They are in the pons part of the brain stem . 这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。
- Allan Hobson had a stroke in his brain stem. 之后的十天他既睡不着也做不了梦。
- Brain MRI showed remarkable atrophy on cerebellum and brain stem. 头颅MRI示小脑、脑干明显萎缩;
- She's herniating down into her brain stem, Schneider realized. 她的伤势已经突出伸向脑干了,施奈德意识到。
- WGA-HRP labeled terminal fibers were mainly observed in AMB,NTS,intermediate zone and reticular formation of pons. 2)WGA-HRP标记神经纤维主要存在于双侧孤束核、疑核、脊髓中间区、延髓网状结构;
- The two meters high, 1.5 meters wide, soil structure, the bending blurred, showing reticular formation. 各高2米、宽1.5米,土结构,各弯曲迷离,呈网状结构。
- In one pathway, the axons project towards the reticular formation in the midbrain. 在这路径,神经的轴突会朝中脑的网状结构伸延。
- MRI is better than CT in the diagnosis of damage to brain stem and spinal cord. mri在诊断脑干、脊膜损伤上优于CT。
- Ultrastructural studies on reticular formation of medulla oblongata in the early stage of brain-stem mechanical injury in rats. 大鼠机械性脑干损伤早期延脑网状结构的超微病理研究。
- NA, together with dorsomedial vagal-solitary complex, area postrema, ventrolateral medulla and intermediate reticular formation, forms the medullary visceral zone (MVZ). 疑核,迷走孤束复合体,最后区,腹外侧延髓和中间网状结构共同组成了延髓内脏带。
- In ascension, the thymus gland grows up the sternum connecting to the thyroid, lymph nodes and brain stem. 提升中,胸腺在胸骨上生长,连接到甲状腺、淋巴腺节点和脑干。
- The dark cell nucleus and light cell cytoplasm of FLI cell body were examined in frontal cortex V, mesencephalic reticular formation and dorsal raphe nucleus in BD rat. 额皮质V层、中脑网状结构和中缝背核内见到胞核深染、胞浆浅染的FLI神经元胞体。
- The sedative-hypnotic effects of phenobarbital are likely the result of its effect on the polysynaptic midbrain reticular formation, which controls CNS arousal. 苯巴比妥的镇静催眠效果很可能是其对多突触中脑网状结构作用的结果,它控制CNS觉醒。
- Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem. 此病变多位于基底节、白质深部、脑干。