- Layman's View of Brain Functions - information on brain chemistry. 脑化学方面的信息。
- He believes that falling in love is influenced by our brain chemistry. 他相信我们脑中的化学物质影响了爱情的产生。
- Tomorrow we'll sacrifice him, then compare his brain chemistry with that of a rat born a few days ago. 明天我们要让它做出牺牲,然后把它的大脑的化学性质同生下来刚几天的鼠进行比较。
- Why do powerful men risk everything for sex? It has to do with brain chemistry, evolution and, yes, testosterone. 为何名人多风流?是大脑化学物质的的问题,是进化,还是荷尔蒙的问题?
- Don’t expect natural sleepiness to occur at the right time if you’re screwing with your brain chemistry. 如果你的大脑依靠化学物质的话,那么不要指望你的睡意会在合适的时间到来。
- A prescription drug called Naltrexone is now being used to combat alcoholism by changing brain chemistry. 纳曲酮是目前通过变化大脑化学物质用来治疗酒精中毒的处方.
- Psychology: Thought patterns and consciousness altered by small changes in brain chemistry or small changes in physical environmental stimuli. 心理学:通过大脑内化学小小变化或者物理环境刺激小的改变就改变了思维模式和意识。
- Scientists are asking whether spirituality can be explained in terms of neural networks, neurotransmitters and brain chemistry. 根据神经网络,神经传递素和脑化学科学家被要求是否可以解释灵性。
- The Maine researchers say that UVR may alter brain chemistry early in an embryo’s development, influencing traits such as creativity. 缅因医院的科学家说,紫外线也会改变胚胎发展早期的化学性质,从而影响人的“创造力”这一属性。
- Scientists say that the brain chemistry of infatuation is akin to mental illness - which gives new meaning to "madly in love". 科学家称,令大脑迷醉的化学反应类似于精神性疾病,这给了“疯狂陷入爱情”一个新的诠释。
- The battle rages on many fronts, from research into brain chemistry to drugs developed for other uses that may be effective in controlling migraines. 这项对抗头痛的战役在许多面向如火如荼地进行着,从脑部化学的研究到原本为其他目的研发但可能有效控制偏头痛的药物都有。
- When scientists studied flirting couples at a hotel bar, they saw some of the same things again and again - gestures that are part of our "brain chemistry," Rodgers said. 说,科学家在一家宾馆酒吧中研究调情者时发现,相同的一幕反复上演,姿势成了我们"脑化学"的一部分。
- Still, these cerebral cortex changes are longer lasting than medications because you're changing the structure of your brain, whereas medication is only changing brain chemistry. 然而,这些变化是大脑皮质比药物更长久,因为你是你的大脑结构的改变,而只是改变脑部化学药物。
- They say that religious wars, fanaticism and intolerance spring from dogmatic beliefs that particular gods and faiths are unique, rather than facets of universal brain chemistry. 他们说宗教信仰战争,盲信和不容异说从特别的上帝和信仰是独特的、胜过普遍的脑化学的多面教条信心中触发。
- Scientists are espolring how the cyclical rise and fall of estrogen and other hormones may affect the brain chemistry that is associated with depressive illness. 科学家们正在探索雌性激素与其他荷尔蒙的循环起伏是如何影响与抑郁症疾病相关的脑化学物质。
- While scientific work in this arena is in its infancy,it's already clear that varying the amount of fat and other nutrients in the diet affects brain chemistry by activating certain genes,and this in turn directs our dietary preferences. 尽管科学家在这一领域的研究还处于初期,但已清楚地表明,如果改变进食脂肪和其他营养物的数量就可以通过激活某些基因而影响大脑里的化学物质,从而指导着我们的进食取向。
- Some researchers in universities are investigating the possibility that high levels of fat and fructose are mucking up our brain chemistry,and thereby muting the signals that would normally tell us to put down the fork. 一些大学学者在研究是否过量的脂肪和果糖会扰乱我们大脑中的化学物质,从而防碍大脑在正常情况下发出让我们放下餐叉的信号。
- While scientific work in this arena is in its infancy, it's already clear that varying the amount of fat and other nutrients in the diet affects brain chemistry by activating certain genes, and this in turn directs our dietary preferences. 尽管科学家在这一领域的研究还处于初期,但已清楚地表明如果改变进食脂肪和其他营养物的数量就可以通过激活某些基因而影响大脑里的化学物质,从而指导着我们的进食取向。
- Greater understanding of the Brain chemistry of disorders such as schizophrenia and depression has led to a wide array of effective drugs that nevertheless work Best in conjunction with psychotherapy. 对诸如精神分裂症和抑郁症等大脑中化学物质障碍的更加了解而发展出大量有效的药物,不过仍需与心理治疗配合以发挥最大功效。
- Some researchers in universities are investigating the possibility that high levels of fat and fructose are mucking up our brain chemistry, and thereby muting the signals that would normally tell us to put down the fork. 一些大学学者在研究是否过量的脂肪和果糖会扰乱我们大脑中的化学物质,从而防碍大脑在正常情况下发出让我们放下餐叉的信号。