- "Down with Japan," "Boycott Japanese Goods," and "Oppose a permanent seat for Ja pan on the UN Security Council," they shouted. 他们呼喊着“打倒日本”“抵制日货”“反对日本成为联合国安理会常任理事国”的口号。
- It Is a Great Obligation to Boycott Japanese Goods For Every Chinese Citizen. 抵制日货是每个中国公民的神圣职责!
- Saiding again, boycotting Japanese goods would to we nation result in how much economy loss do you know Yao? 再说了,抵制日货会给我们国家造成多少经济损失你知道么?
- Boycott Japanese goods! 抵制日货!
- The mostly college-age Chinese, singing China's national anthem and shouting," Support the Chinese motherland, boycott Japanese goods," appeared to number in the thousands, but there were no official estimates on Saturday morning. 游行者高唱中国国歌,高喊"支持祖国,抵制日货,"他们以在读大学生为主,看起来大约数千人,但是星期六早上没有官方的统计。
- Such evils are like Japanese goods, for only our enemy wishes us to preserve them and continue to befuddle ourselves with them; so we should advocate a boycott against them, just as we boycott Japanese goods. 这些东西好像日货,因为只有我们的敌人愿意我们保存这些坏东西,使我们继续受蒙蔽,所以我们应该提倡抵制,就像抵制日货一样。
- Fvcking Japanese goods, do you boycott it today? 日货,您抵制了么今天?
- Not Zaima Japan, said" kill the Japanese "of the gas, action, boycott of Japanese goods is the most essential! 让我们抵制日货!!!
- boycotting Japanese goods 抵制日货
- In ShenZhen, thousands of protesters called for a boycott of Japanese goods. 在深圳,成千上万的抗议者号召抵制日货。
- Japanese goods are flooding into the market. 日货潮水般地涌进市场。
- Japanese invasions after wave of young students set off a boycott of Japanese goods. 日寇侵华后青年学生掀起抵制日货风潮。
- Among them was 22-year-old Liu Hejun, a student activist campaigning for a boycott of Japanese goods and the expulsion of foreign ambassadors. 其中包括22岁的刘喝峻,学生积极分子活动的抵制日货和驱逐外国大使。
- Japanese flags were burned, there were calls for boycotts of Japanese goods and boos and jeers greeted Japan's every move. 日本旗被烧毁,用于日本货和喝倒采的联合抵制有电话,嘲笑迎接的日本的一切行动。
- A Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in Chinatown, san Francisco, to boycott Japanese commodities. 美国旧金山唐人街日人商店前的华人抵制日货纠察队。
- Chinese people all over the world are now boycotting Japanese goods.Will that bring loss to China’s economy? 是不是因为我们全球中华大众对日货的抵制,中国就会受到损失?
- Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in Chinatown, san Francisco, to boycott Japanese commodities. 美国旧金山唐人街日人商店前的华人抵制日货纠察队。
- There are often expressions of nationalist emotions in Chinese cyberspace, for example calls for boycotting Japanese and French products. 这些事例能够说明,互联网一开始就有国际性的。
- On today morning, I saw a red scrip written with words: Boycott Japanese Merchandises. 今天早上在一个电话亭里看见一小红纸条,上面写着:抵制日货。
- A global downturn means external demand for Japanese goods and services remains weak. 全球经济滑坡意味着外界对日本产品和服务的需求仍旧不旺。