- Draw not your bow before your arrow is fixed. [谚]箭未搭好别先拉弓; 三思而后行。
- The speaker had to bow before a storm of abuse from the audience. 那位演讲者在观众严厉的斥责面前吸得屈服。
- He is not a man to bow before difficulties. 他不是那种在困难面前低头的人。
- Why should Chinese bow before USA English? 为什么汉语应该鞠躬在美国之前英语?
- Said, "Do not bow before five decaliters of rice. 不为五斗米折腰。
- He is not one to bow before difficulties. 他不是一个向困难低头的人。
- Bow before your god, infidel. I am the Master here. 你必须向我下跪,异教徒。因为我是这里的主人。
- Bow, bow before your new master! 鞠躬!在你的新主人前鞠躬!
- Bow You bow befor XXX./ You bow down graciously. 你对XXX鞠躬。/你优雅的鞠躬。
- I bow before your opinion, and will take your advice. 你的观点使我折服,我决定采纳你的建议。
- They pledged themselves not to bow before difficulties. 他们保证绝不向困难低头。
- As a welfare client I'm expected to bow before the caseworker. 作为一名福利救济者,我只好在社会工作者面前卑躬屈膝。
- The desert tribes will bow before him and his enemies will lick the dust. 住在旷野的,必在他面前下拜;他的仇敌必要舔土。
- People with steadfastness never bow before difficulties great or small. 不管困难大小,带有坚定意志的人在困难面前是从来不会低头的。
- LORD, we bow before Thee in the dust and own our grievous ingratitude. 喔,主啊,我们要披麻蒙灰俯伏在你面前,为我们的不知感恩而痛哭忏悔,这是何等大的罪!
- O LORD, we bow before Thee in the dust and own our grievous ingratitude. 喔,主啊,我们要披麻蒙灰俯伏在你面前,为我们的不知感恩而痛哭忏悔,这是何等大的罪!
- Some people bow before money. 有些人在金钱面前俯首贴耳。
- Those who formerly prostrated themselves before the power of the gentry now bow before the power of the peasants. 从前拜倒在绅士权力下面的人,现在却拜倒在农民权力之下。
- He placed his hat on a pole in the marketplace and ordered the Altorfers to bow before it whenever they passed. 他把自己的帽子放在市场上立着的一根杆子上,命令阿尔托夫人,每逢走过这个地方时,都要向帽子鞠躬。
- There was such an outcry when the Government put forward its proposals that it was forced to bow before the storm and withdraw them. 政府提出的方案竟遭到如此强烈的反对,政府只好让步,撤回方案。