- bounded function space 有界函数空间
- Does Monotone Locally Bounded Function Definitely Have Extreme? "单调有界函数必有极限"吗?
- Theorem 2 The product of a bounded function and an infinitesimal is an infinitesimal. 推论1常数与无穷小的乘积是无穷小。
- This paper shows that if there exists a uniformly differentiable real-valued bounded function on X with bounded support, then X is a B.S. 本文得到:若Banach空间X上存在有有界支撑的一致可微的有界实函数;则X有B.;S
- If we now relese the continuity requirements on the function, i. e. lowering the order of the function space, we obtain a "weak" solution. 如果我们减弱函数的连续性要求,即降低函数空间的阶次,那么我们就得到一个“弱”解。
- If we now release the continuity requirements on the function, i. e. lowering the order of the function space, we obtain a "weak" solution. 如果我们减弱函数的连续性要求,即降低函数空间的阶次,那么我们就得到一个“弱”解。
- Strong topology on function space can be better understood as analyzed from either covariant or contravariant point of view. 利用协变和反变观点给出了拓扑学中强拓扑函数空间的一个新刻划.
- The HKCEC presently totals 248,000 sq m (2.67 million sq ft) with over 70,000 sq m (753,474 sq ft) of rentable function space. 会展中心现时的总面积达248,000平方米(267万平方尺),其中超过七万平方米(753,474平方尺)可供租用。
- The entire engineering design in the full consideration esthetic appeal and in building's characteristic, divides the function space nimbly. 整个工程设计在充分考虑审美情趣及建筑本身的特点上,灵活划分功能空间。
- These stages include Location selected; Site-plan design; function space s Structure, Organizing and Design; Non-barrier design. 这些阶段包括选址;总平面布局;功能空间的构成、组织、设计;无障碍设计。
- A priori point-wise estimations are established for bounded functions satisfying a new class of nonlinear inequalities involving improper integrals. 摘要对满足一类新的含反常积分非线性不等式的有界函数建立了先验逐点估计。
- The separability of asymptotically strongly periodic function space and asymptotically periodic sequence space are also discussed. 研究了渐近强周期函数空间、渐近周期序列空间的可分性质。
- The concept of the midpoint quasi-convex function is introduced, and some conditions are obtained to ensure that midpoint quasi-convex function is quasi-convex in the measurable function space. 摘要本文提出了中点拟凸函数的概念,在可测函数空间中,给出了中点拟凸函数拟凸的若干个充分条件。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief. 她把头发用围巾包起来。
- In Chapter 2, considers the definition of rearrangement invariant function space and Boyd indices and some characteristics of them, it also establish the rearrangement invariant martingale space in this chapter. 第二章重点介绍重排不变函数空间的定义以及重排不变鞅空间及Boyd指数和的若干性质。
- Bind the rope fast lest it should come loose. 把绳子绑牢,免得它松脱。
- The airfield is bounded by woods on all sides. 飞机场的四周都是树林。
- The paper, by analyzing the change of area ratio of function space in college libraries, proposes new space form and area ratio, and then discusses the organization method of core sp... 通过分析高校图书馆功能区面积比例的变化,提出新型空间形式及面积配比,并探讨核心空间的组织方式。
- The wound was bound up by bandage. 伤口用绷带包扎着。