- boundary surface tracing 边界曲面追踪
- In practice, two semisilvered or aluminized glass optical flats from the reflecting boundary surface. 实际上,两块半镀银的或镀铝的光学平面玻璃构成了反射界面。
- In practice, two semisilvered or aluminized glass optical flats form the reflecting boundary surface. 实际上,两块半镀银的或镀铝的光学平面玻璃构成了反射界面。
- The reflection of ordinary light on the internal boundary surface of the uniaxial crystal is studied. 研究了寻常光在单轴晶体内表面上的反射规律。
- From the process of deduction, the concept of coupling function of growth was derived, which reflects the influence of the accretive boundary surface. 文中首先证明了广义输运定理,根据这个定理,推导了生长变形体广义平衡方程的一般形式及其生长边界条件,并导出反映生长边界面对平衡影响的生长耦合函数。
- A new approach, the multipole theory (MT) method, is presented for computation of electric field intensity on the Dirichlet's boundary surface. 提出了用多极理论计算第一类边界上的场强分布,给出用多极理论准解析法计算三维静电场问题的使用规则和实施步骤。
- Another company may carry on making lithograph plates according to the customer incoming sample, pull, maximum limit satisfied customer to product surface trace request. 另公司可以根据客户来样进行制版、打样,最大限度的满足客户对产品表面纹路的要求。
- Organosilicon surfactant is mainly used as the organosilicon coupler to improve boundary surface of inorganic fillers and rubber. 有机硅表面活性剂主要作为有机硅偶联剂,改善无机填料与橡胶的界面作用。
- The elastic unloading is replaced by elasto-plastic, then the boundary surface model can be used to analyze the plastic deformation of soft clay during unloading process. 将传统边界面模型的线弹性卸载过程改进为弹塑性,建立了软粘土的边界面广义弹塑性模型,从而使边界面模型可用于分析软粘土卸载过程中的塑性变形问题。
- Based on method of bisection, this paper presents an algorithm used to solve the intersecting point assuming that the equation of each boundary surface is definite. 该文论述了在已知天线罩各介质分界面曲面方程的情况下,如何用数值方法中的二分法来计算射线和介质分界面的交点,其算法直观、可靠,而且适用的曲面方程形式广泛。
- We have shown surface tractions on three rectangular boundary surfaces of the body. 在这个单元体的三个互相垂直的边界上,我们指明了作用在这些边界面上的面力。
- The experimental results indicate that appropriate viscosity ratio and good adhesion between boundary surface have important influence on the formation of laminar morphology and barrier property. 结果表明,适当的熔体粘度比与良好的相界面粘合对于层状形态的形成与阻隔性能的影响至关重要。
- Four isolate barrier beds occurened usually in boundary surface of each internal architecture unit in channel sandbody, i. e. find bed, muddy pebble bed, plant clasts bed and diagenic bed. 在河道砂体内部构成的不同层次实体界面上,通常存在着4种隔挡层,即细粒物质隔挡层、泥砾隔挡层、植物碎屑隔挡层和成岩隔挡层。
- There are inclucded angels between the surfaces trace lines of common place plane and projecting shafts, and at the sametime, there are inclinations between common place plane and projecting surfaces. 研究了斜井素描过程中 ,面理在硐顶的迹线的描绘方法 ,对倾向、倾角和倾伏向、倾伏角、侧伏向、侧伏角、侧余角的关系作了较深入的研究。
- Moving Inclined Load at Boundary Surface 边界面上的倾斜移动荷载
- boundary surface of outdoor space 户外空间界面温度
- Solid boundary surface separating 实体边界分割
- potential energy boundary surface 势能边界曲面
- supersonic boundary surface transmitter 超声界面变送器
- The results show that faulting has occurred near or just south of the surface traces of the Main Central thrust and South Tibetan fault systems at various times over the past 20 million years. 这些结果显示,2000万年来,主中央逆断层与藏南断层系统的地表破裂面附近与南方,时常发生断层。