- bound decision variable 约束决策变量
- Finally,impacts of the model parameters on decision variable are analyzed. 最后对模型参数对决策变量的影响进行了分析。
- In this paper, we focus on bilevel programming problem with a common decision variable in the upper level and lower level programming. 摘要主要讨论上下层具有共同决策变量的一类二层规划问题的求解方法。
- All jobs have common earliness cost and common tardiness penalty, but the window location with linear cost is a decision variable. 公共交货期窗口大小给定但位置待定,由线性定位费用衡量;
- A backorder rate is not only dependent on the price discount but also the length of lead time through the amount of shortages decision variable. 因此,决策者必须规划适当生产计划和安全存货量,才能降低订购成本、存货成本、缺货成本及赶工成本。
- Moreover,unit production cost depends on production rate. In this paper,we extend a classical EPL model to cases where production rate is a decision variable. 本文对传统的EPL模型进行了扩展,生产率变为决策变量,单位生产成本变成生产率的函数。
- Based on both the ordered quantity and lead time as decision variable, this article proposes a single item multi-supplier model that considers inventory problems with quantity discount and backorder. 摘要在订购量与前置时间为决策变数之前提下,本文提出一个考虑数量折扣与允许部分欠拨之单一商品与多个供应商存货模型;
- May I remind everyone that this committee has authority to make a binding decision. 让我提醒大家这个委员会有权做约束性的决定。
- Also pilot studies are carried out on some variables in the model including character variable, decision variable, probability of the sequent occurring and utility function. 对模型中的状态变量、策变量、果发生概率、用函数等进行了初步研究。
- She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief. 她把头发用围巾包起来。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- Results: Area graphical method for goal programming problem with two decision variables is obtained. 结果:给出了求解具有两个决策变量的目标规划问题的完整方法-分区图解法。
- These decision variables corresponding to the states of neural network can be classified as independent and dependent. 决策变量对应神经网络的状态,可以分为独立的和非独立的两部分。
- The wound was bound up by bandage. 伤口用绷带包扎着。
- The question is bound to come up at the meeting. 会上必然要讨论这个问题。
- Bind the rope fast lest it should come loose. 把绳子绑牢,免得它松脱。
- The dynamic prices as the decision variables were introduced into multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem with backlogging. 制造商处于垄断地位,具有定价主导权。
- She bound up her hair in a large handkerchief. 她用一块大手帕把头发包起来。
- In a directed graph, the decision variables of the shortest path computation must be determined by a constraint that is called Kirchoff's constraint. 摘要已知一个有向图,求解两点间的最短路径的决策变量满足基尔霍夫约束关系。
- She bound up her hair with a handkerchief. 她用手绢把头发扎了起来。