- bottom man on the totem pole 最没有地位的人
- I didn't want to be low man on the totem pole for ever. 我不想永远当小人物。
- To be low man on the totem pole is to have an inferior place in the hierarchy. 在图腾柱上列为地位低微的人在等级制度中位于下层。
- Davidson says he's the lowest man on the Ranger totem pole. 大卫森说他是骑警阶层最低的。
- Be in charge of; be responsible for;Be top man on the totem pole 负责;管理;主持
- The man on the wall looked eagerly toward the sea. 城墙上的那个人急切地向大海张望。
- It is now possible to put a man on the moon. 目前已能将人送到月球上。
- The Americans put a man on the moon in 1969. 美国人於1969年把人送上了月球。
- I met a man on the street who claimed relationship with me. 我在街上遇到一个人,他与我认亲戚。
- I went to look after the old man on the score of his daughter. 我是为那个老人女儿的缘故才照顾他的。
- The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet. 骑摩托车的人戴了一顶头盔。
- The man on the train tried to load me up with stories of his wealth. 火车上的那个男人向我大谈特谈有关他的财富的事情。
- I sandwiched myself between two fat men on the bus. 我在公共汽车上,一边一个胖子把我夹在中间不能动。
- The man on the stretcher over me has a hemorrhage. 我上边那担架上的人在流血。
- Given I worked in Ops Control, I was low man on the lowest totem. 而作为操作控制部门的一员,我是公司最底层部门的最底层员工。
- I was sandwiched between two large men on the crowded train. 我在拥挤的火车上被夹在两个大男人之间。
- The centre is the biggest man on the floor. 在球场上这个中锋是最高的人。
- Is he the short man on the right? 右边那个矮个子是他吗?
- There is a man on the phone asking for Mr. Smith. 一个男人打电话找史密斯先生。
- My brother is the best man on the court. 我哥哥是球场上的高手。