- He dredged a bottle up that swam on the water. 他捞起漂浮在水面的一只瓶子。
- Try not to bottle up your emotions. 尽量不要压抑自己的情感。
- Instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment. 他们不是把问题提出来讨论,而是把怒气和怨愤憋在肚子里。
- The bailiff had a weakness for Michael, whom he had known from his bottle up. 管家偏爱迈克尔,因为他从迈克尔吃奶的时候就认识他。
- The bailiff had a weakness for Michael,whom he had known from his bottle up. 管家偏爱迈克尔,因为他从迈克尔吃奶的时候就认识他。
- Traffic was bottled up in the bottleneck. 在狭窄的交叉路口交通堵塞了。
- They bottled up the gunmen like turtles in a jar. 他们把持枪歹徒围困得像瓮中之鳖。
- He lined the bottles up along the shelf. 他把瓶子排列在架子上。
- Traffic was bottled up in the tunnel. 隧道停止通行。
- You shouldn't keep your emotions all bottled up. 你不应当把你的所有事情都隐藏起来。
- It's better than keeping them bottled up inside. 这远胜于独自享受。
- They bottled up the submarines in their nest. 他们把潜艇困在巢穴里, 使其无法出击。
- Bottling up your anger can damage your health. 强忍怒气对你的身体健康有害。
- Instead of discussing their problems,they bottle up all their anger and resentment. 他们不是把问题提出来讨论,而是把怒气和怨愤憋在肚子里。
- You've only got to bottle up your rapture, and keep Beth quiet till that blessed lady gets here. 你呢,只需按捺住自己的欢喜,使蓓丝保持安静,坐等那个神圣的夫人回来吧。
- I'd then scoot into the loo and wrap each bottle up in the towels very carefully and off I'd go to school. 俺不会算)。我迅速躲进厕所,把酒裹在手巾里,然后奔向学校。
- Feelings that had been bottled up for years came flooding out. 被强忍了多年的感情洪水般发泄出来了。
- It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。
- John is in the garage, bottling up his home-made beer. 约翰正在车库里把他的自制啤酒装瓶。
- John is in the garage,bottling up his home-made beer. 约翰正在车库里把他的自制啤酒装瓶。