- He exchanged intimacies with his bosom friend at the party. 在晚会上,他和他的密友亲密交谈。
- The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend. 这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友。
- I didn't know you were a bosom friend of Perrys'. 我可没有想到您还是佩里老俩口的知己朋友哩。
- This bosom friend was Joe Harper. 这个知己就是乔?哈帕。
- Jing Ke had a bosom friend in the State. 荆轲有一位燕国的好朋友。
- Having a bosom friend several drunks with no tea. 知音几醉休。
- A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己天涯若比邻。
- Jeff: Good, I came across a bosom friend. 杰夫: 看来,我遇到知音了。
- A bosom friend afar brings distance near. 海内存知己,天涯若必邻。
- Wishing us can become the bosom friend! 愿我们能够成为知心朋友!
- I was, am and will be your bosom friend. 造句:我过去是,现在是,将来也是大家的朋友。
- Julia and Linda were bosom friends as girls and are still fond of each other. 朱莉娅和琳达童年时是知心朋友,现在她们依然十分要好。
- If only you have got a bosom friend, there is meaning in your life. 人生得一知己,斯则世同怀视之。
- You let predestine I meet here, met bosom friend ever! 让有缘的您我在这儿相逢,相识,相知到永远!
- Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life. 得一知己乃人生一大乐事。
- Frank Barry and John Delaney were bosom friends. 弗兰克·巴里有一位知心好友叫约翰·德莱尼。
- Eventually, all bosom friends will drift apart. 是指知心的好友。
- B: Yes. He is one of my bosom friends. 是,他是我的一个知心朋友。
- We've been Bosom friends for ages. 我们是多年的知己。
- Anne and Diana are bosom friends. 安妮和黛安娜是心腹之交。