- He had the advantage over other boys of being born into a rich family. 他与其他男孩相比的有利条件是出生在一个有钱的家庭。
- Betty wasn't born into the nobility,she married in. 贝蒂并不是贵族出身,而是嫁给贵族而成为贵族的一员的。
- Mary was born into a wealthy family. 玛莉出生于一个富裕的家庭。
- Frank was born into a wealthy family. 弗兰克出生于一个富裕的家庭。
- She was born into a very musical family. 她生于音乐之家。
- I was born into a humble family. 他出生寒门。
- How I wish I had been born into a different family. 我多希望我是出生在一个不同的家庭。
- John was born into a traditional Christian family. 约翰出生于一个传统的基督教家庭。
- She wasn't born into the nobility. She married in. 她并不出身于贵族,但嫁给了贵族。
- Keaton was born into a vaudeville family in 1895. 基顿1895年出生于一个杂耍家庭。
- He was born into the lowest caste. 他出生于最低贱的种姓。
- Child of the wildness, born into the emptiness. 荒野的孩子,出生在空荡荡之中。
- Xu himself was born into a poor family. 徐他本人就出生于一个贫困家庭。
- Born into a poor family, he is a aspiring scholar. 他虽然出身柴门,却知道读书上进。
- Child of the wilderness, born into the emptiness. 荒野的孩子,出生在空荡荡之中。
- He was born into a wealthy family. 他出生在一个富有的家庭。
- Any of various mollusks that bore into soft rock or wood. 钻蛀虫钻入松软岩石或木头中的软体动物
- It is not given to many of us to be born into a wealthy family. 我们中并不是有很多人注定要生在富人之家的。
- Slowly and solemnly he was borne into the house. 他被缓慢而庄严地抬进屋里。
- John had the advantage of being born into a rich family. 约翰因出生在有钱人家,所以比其他男孩占有优势。