- Problems on the design of sheet bored pile wall bracing for the construction of deep foundation pit 深基坑桩锚支护设计中的几个问题
- bored pile wall 灌注桩
- The bored pile by churning drive and bored pile with slurry wall protection are widely adopted in loess foundation in recent years. 摘要旋挖钻孔灌注桩和泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩是近年来黄土地基中广泛使用的桩基形式。
- Effect of Roughness of Bore Wall on Side Friction Resistance of Bored Pile 孔壁粗糙度对钻孔灌注桩侧摩阻力的影响
- Common problems and their solutions are put forward in riprap-filled sea formation during bored pile execution. 提出了在抛石填海地层钻孔灌注桩施工中常见问题及处理方法。
- The compaction-under reamed bored pile is a new type one with high bearing capacity and low settlement. 摘要挤扩支盘灌注桩是一种具有高承载力和低沉降量特性的新型桩。
- The most interested problems of the design of post base-grouted bored pile are the estimate of the quantity of grouting and the bearing capacity. 桩端后注浆灌注桩单桩合理注浆量与承载力的计算成为工程界关注的主要问题之一,尚无设计规程可循。
- The vertical placing membrane and deep churned pile wall in embankment are newly developed seepage control techniques. 垂直铺塑和深层搅拌防渗技术是近年来发展起来的新的堤(坝)垂直防渗技术。
- The Bearing capacity of bored pile is increased wich reducing silt deposit at the bottom of pile by improved construction technology. 通过施工工艺的改进,减少桩底沉淤,提高钻孔灌注桩的承载力。
- Construction technology and quality control of large diameter super-deep bored pile under complex geological condition are introduced. 介绍在复杂地质情况下超深大孔径桩基施工技术和质量控制措施。
- The standard penetration test(SPT)of base-pile of the artificial bored pile is very essential according to the feature of this project. 根据本工程实例情况,人工挖孔桩桩底标贯试验是非常必要的。
- The problems in the free and fixed earth support methods for thd design of the anchored sheet pile wall for excavation are briefly discussed. 简要讨论了用于桩锚支护设计的自由端法与固定端法中存在的问题,提出了一种新的设计方法。
- The analysis is made on the design for cantilever sheet pile wall, single anchor(strut) and multiple anchors(struts) pile wall. 详细分析了基坑设计的具体内容,并对悬臂桩、单锚(支撑)和多锚(支撑)设计进行了合理分析。
- In the paper, according to its success application in a tall building, the design and construction of under-reamed bored pile is debated in details. 本文结合钻孔扩底灌注桩在某工程中的应用情况,对钻孔扩底灌注桩设计、施工等应用方面进行了比较详细的介绍,指出该工法具有较好的经济效益。
- FEI Hong-qing,WANG Yan.Research ofsuper-longhole bored pile in loess subsoil [J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2000,22 (5):576-580. [2]费鸿庆;王燕.;黄土地基中超长钻孔灌注桩工程性状研究[J]
- Bored piles braced by anchors to construct the retailing wall is one of themain methods applied in deep foundation pit retaining support for high-rise buildings. 在高层建筑深基坑挡土支护中,用锚杆拉钻孔灌注桩作为支护是近年来应用的主要方法之一。
- In line of analysis of bored pile accidents emerged in bridge project construction,the paper introduces some treating methods for accidents of bored pile and quality failings. 通过对桥梁工程施工中出现的钻孔桩事故的分析,介绍了一些钻孔桩事故和质量缺陷的处理方法。
- Base on the design practice of "Beijing Ming Ren Plaza", The authors analyse the properties, design method and keypoint of construction of the bored pile with grouting at the bottom. 通过对北京名人广场写字楼桩底压浆钻孔灌注桩的设计总结;分析了桩底压浆钻孔灌注桩的受力特性、设计和施工要点及该桩型在工程实践中广阔的应用前景.
- On the basis of the interim monitoring results,a pre liminary evaluation is done on seepage control effect of steel plate piles wall. 在阶段性监测成果的基础上,对洪湖长江干堤燕窝堤段钢板桩防渗墙渗控效果作出了初步评价。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。