- border guard system 光纤周界防范
- The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard. 不法移民被边界守卫置疑。
- A bribe to a border guard may be folded into a passport. 向边境守卫的贿赂可能包在护照当中。
- Aim Entrance guard system based on contactless IC card is designed. 摘要目的设计基于非接触式IC卡的门禁系统。
- They attacked our border guards without the slightest provocation. 在事先未发生任何挑衅的情况下,他们便袭击我们的边防哨兵。
- There are border guards at the checkpoint crossing. 边防检查站的过境处有卫兵执勤。
- A poor border guard is easier to tempt than a rich one, and a struggling business may be persuaded to launder money. 一名穷困的保安比富裕的更容易受到怂恿,一个勉强挣扎的公司可能被说服迈向洗钱之路。
- A border guard grumbles that the only tourist in weeks has set off her tripwire. 一位边疆卫士抱怨说,数周以来只来了一位游客,而这唯一的游客就弄响了她负责的绊网。
- The crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards. 他们买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。
- But the growing scrutiny of the village guard system is fueling calls for its disbandment. 但是对卫队体系的不断推敲更助长了要求解散的声音。
- Apartment comes with digital Tv, visual guard system, High grade fitment, center air-conditioning. 管道天然气/数字电视/程控电话/可视门禁等;高档装修/中央空调;
- SLINGING his AK47 over his shoulder, the Taleban border guard pulled back the curtain to the tiny concrete room and beckoned us inside. 一名肩上挂着AK47步枪的塔利班边防警卫掀开他们那个小小的水泥房间的门帘,招呼我们进去。
- Lighter, Digital Camera, Intelligent Household Guard System, Non-spherical Digital Camera Head Group, Non-spherical High-quality Resin Lens. 打火机、数码相机、智能家用防盗系统、非球面数码像机镜头组、非球面高级树脂眼镜片。
- A North Korean border guard reacts to the photographer as he walks along the banks of the Yalu River in Hyesan, North Korea on April 4, 2009. 朝鲜边防反应的摄影师,他走在银行的鸭绿江在Hyesan ,朝鲜对2009年4月4日。
- Finally, the paPer used Jiangling Group as an exa-mple to iIlustrate theaPplication and implementation of guard system of risk. 最后,以实际案例,阐述了企业集团内部财务风险制度防范体系在实践中的运用。
- This paper proposes a method of implementation of the algorithm in Network Entrance Guard System using IIC(Intelligent Image Card). 论文提出在单片机系统上实现这一算法的方法,并在智能像卡联网门禁系统中得以实现。
- An East German border guard peers through a crack in the Berlin Wall, Nov. 17, 1989, shortly after a West Berliner painted a keyhole around the opening. 德国东部边界,通过在柏林墙,1989年11月17日,打击防范西方后不久,柏林同行描绘了钥匙孔周围的开放。
- The system is a digital/network/intelligent remote guard system and colligates advanced international digital video surveillance technology. 该系统综合了国内外先进的数字视频监控技术,是一套数字化、网络化和智能化远程监控系统。
- This paper proposes a method of implementation of the algorithm in Network Entrance Guard System using IIC(Intelligent Image Card). 论文提出在单片机系统上实现这一算法的方法,并在智能像卡联网门禁系统中得以实现。
- About 250 members of the border guards, known as the BDR, have been arrested. 大约250名边防军成员被逮捕,这个部队又称为孟加拉国步枪队。