- The crowd boosted the morale of the runners. 人们为赛跑选手们加油助威。
- There is nothing like winning to boost the morale of the player. 没有什么比获胜更能提高运动员的士气。
- Legislator, Wong Kwok-hing, says the move could boost the morale of fathers-to-be. 立法会议员王国兴认为,有薪侍产假有助提升准爸爸士气。
- At a time like this, a tour of Pyongyang for the Americans provides a potent panacea to boost the morale of the North Korean people and encourage their loyalty to Kim. 在这样的时刻,邀请美国人前往平壤观看团体操表演被当作灵丹妙药,以便提升北朝鲜的民心士气,鼓励人民继续忠诚于金正日。
- And the well-known major events in "Baby X" boost the morale of adults, recently held a network of refueling activities, baby, let's Minds become-deserved. 与各大知名赛事中出现“某某宝贝”的成人助威相比,近期举办的一场网络宝贝加油活动,则让童趣变得名至实归。
- In this article,the writer recounts his personal encounter with the man who did his utmost to boost the morale of the students and to get the University going during its inception. 作者以亲身的经验,追忆潘老如何在极困难的情况下,激励学生,致力使南大上轨道。
- In order to boost the morale and combat troops guidelines, The leaders of the independence war, General Belgrano personally designed and produced a guiding light blue and white and white flags. 为了鼓舞士气,指引部队作战,领导独立战争的贝尔格拉诺将军亲自设计并指导制作了一面浅蓝色和白色相间的旗帜。
- boost the morale of the soldiers 鼓舞士气
- The moral consciousness of a country. 一个国家的道德观念。
- Can you try and persuade the supplier to boost the quantity a little bit? 能否请您去说服供货商稍微增加点供货呢?
- His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct. 他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。
- Normally, there is always an adult to give an inspirational talk to the kids with the goal of boosting the morale and spirit of the kids. 蛮子译:通常;总有成年人来对孩子们说些鼓舞人心的谈话;目的是促进孩们的斗志和气慨.
- Is the moral tagged to the story clear? 附加在故事上的寓意明白吗?
- The tax cut will boost the economy. 减税将会推进经济的增长。
- The moral of this story is Better late than never'. 这个故事的寓意是`迟做总比不做好'.
- WTO membership will boost the reform in China. 将有力地推进中国的改革。
- Should I just boost the power on the thrombo? 我能不能就这样简单地把某某部件的电源打开?
- The morale and ambience in company. 公司的士气及工作气氛。
- Coruscant's too far. R4, can you boost the power? 科罗森太远能加强功率吗?
- They are discussing the morality of abortion. 他们正在讨论堕胎的道德性。