- Profit multiply in the boom year. 兴旺之年利润增长。
- Profit multiplyin the boom year. 兴旺之年利润增长。
- It's a boom year this year. 今年是繁荣昌盛的一年。
- Fishball:2006 was a boom year for Asian nations, with the Asian Development Bank projecting 7.7 Percent full-year growth for the region's developing countries. 亚洲发展银行算出亚洲地区的发展规律中多家的年增长率有7。7,对亚洲国家来说,2006年不是丰收的一年。
- Housing sales are still well below their levels in the boom years, and given the uncertain economy and rising unemployment, Chinese consumers aren't likely to splurge this year. 中国住房销量仍然明显低于住房热潮时期的水平,而且考虑到经济前景不明朗,失业人数不断上升,中国消费者今年不太可能大举支出。
- In the boom years between 1998 and 2008, trade volumes grew at 5.7% per year, easily outstripping the growth rate of world output, which was around 3% over the same period. 1998到2008年间,贸易兴旺,平均每年交易量增长达到5。7%25,大大超过了同期的世界生产增长量,大约在3%25左右。
- Arguments such as "land is finite"persuade in boom years, but are now denounced by some as intellectual garbage. 像“土地有限”的论点,在市场大好时很有说服力,但现在被很多人看成是“学理垃圾”。
- Arguments such as "land is finite" persuade in boom years,but are now denounced by some as intellectual garbage. 像“土地有限”的论点,在市场大好时很有说服力,但现在被很多人看成是“学理垃圾”。
- Arguments such as "land is finite"persuade in boom years,but are now denounced by some as intellectual garbage. 像“土地有限”的论点,在市场大好时很有说服力,但现在被很多人看成是“学理垃圾”。
- And market analysts are projecting continued boom years for American farmers into the foreseeable future. 市场分析家预测景气持续多年,为美国农民变成遥遥无期。
- During China's boom years, workers could easily quit and find another job sro gold, but now this is rarely an option. 中国经济繁荣时,工人们可以轻易辞职另找工作,但现在几乎不可能了。
- Fermented tea was hardly the only caffeinated investment frenzy that swept China during its boom years. 普洱茶绝不是在过去若干年的景气时期唯一掀起投资热潮的东西。
- The Park-O-Mat bespeaks an era, the postwar boom years in America when automation was the rage. Mat是美国战后经济繁荣时期的证据,在那些年月,自动化风靡一时。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- During the boom years, this system gobbled up credit from abroad, leading to yawning current-account deficits. 在经济状况好的时候,金融系统吞噬了大量海外信贷,结果出现了现金账户的赤字。
- All three firms have high borrowing, in large part due to overpriced acquisitions they made during the boom years. 这三家企业背负的高额外债很大程度上源自它们在经济繁荣时期的大手笔收购。
- The sixth and perhaps less obvious factor is the unwinding of the appreciation of the real effective exchange rate during the boom years. 第六项因素也许并不明显,这就是在经济蓬勃发展的期间实质港汇指数升值,而现在的情况则相反。
- As an importer, Mr.Black prefer not to buy goods on consignment during the booming year. 作为进口商,布莱克先生不愿意在生意兴隆的年份买进托销的货物。
- Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane. 不要走近转动的超重机吊杆。
- IN SWINDON, a town 80 miles to the west of London which thrived during the boom years now ended, the recession is biting hard. 斯文顿坐落在伦敦以西80英里外。这个镇在经济兴旺时曾大紫大红,但经济的衰退对其影响十分严重,现在一切繁华皆已结束。