- Book selection systems of Japanese academic libraries and their inspiration 日本大学图书馆选书体系及其启示
- The History of School Selection System in U.S. 美国择校制度的历史演变及启示。
- book selection system 选书系统
- The Tactical Order Select system also effects the power meter and its stocks. 战术选择系统同样会影响能量槽和能量点。
- The selected system is not valid. (选定的系统无效。) 您在系统树中选定的系统已从查找进程中删除。 无需采取措施。
- This monograph further deepens the theoretical analysis of the public cadre selection system. 进一步深化了公开选拔制度的理论分析。
- The seed selection system is used to select the new cowpea 2 from the green cowpea 90. 新豇2号是在绿豇90品种中变异单株采用系统选育而成豇豆新品种。
- Later on, we decided to name this book Selected Anthology of Web Works. 后来我们决定把这本书的名字定为《网络选编》。
- It also talks about the irrationality of present design examination method and the one-sidedness in talent selection system. 同时也对我国目前设计考试的不合理及人才选拔制度的片面性进行了评述。
- The computer-aided selection system for die material is developed by structured program and standard database technology. 采用结构化程序和规范化数据库技术开发了模具材料计算机辅助选择系统。
- In the Add Names box in the Add Users and Groups dialog box, select SYSTEM in the Names list, or type it in the Add Names box. 在“添加用户及组”对话框的“添加名称”框中,从“名称”列表中选择“SYSTEM”或在“添加名称”框中键入它。
- In which, Fincher introduced the purpose and procedures of the book selection, and also the themes, coverage and authors background information of the books. 文中介绍了选书的目的、原则、方法,以及这100本著作的主题、领域和作者的情况。目的是帮助读者更好地了解这100本美国高等教育名著。
- The Bookworm is a bookshop, library, bar, restaurant and events space. Great English book selections. 联系时,请说明是在消息树网站上看到的,我们将提供更好的服务。
- This book selects 14 representative plays of the Yuan Dynasty and rewrites them into stories. 本书选择了有代表性的元杂剧作品十四种,分别将它们改写成故事,约占现存杂剧作品的十分之一。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Control station starting: After making contact, selecting system status screen ans making sure it normal. 控制站起动:通电后,调出系统状态画面,确诊状态正常。
- This article describes the design of USTCs web based course selection system, the functions and technical features of the system, and the scheme for its improvement on the basis of the outcome of its trial operation. 本文通过对我校选修课管理过程的分析 ,提出了基于WEB的网上选课系统的设计思想 ,简述了网上选课系统的功能和相关的技术实现 ,并在试运行的基础上对系统的进一步完善提出了改进方案
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)
- If you are unsatisfied with the images that are provided with Visual Studio, you can customize a selected system image. 如果您对Visual Studio附带的图像不满意,可以自定义一个选定的系统图像。
- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 无人知道该书是何人所写。