- He went from being a small-time hood to a mafia kingpin. 他从不成气候的小太保慢慢混到黑手党的头儿。
- The little girl wears a red bonnet. 那小女孩戴着一顶小红帽。
- Check under the bonnet in Bristol but the hood in Houston. 在布里斯托说打开车前盖(bonnet)看看,但在休士顿则说引擎盖(hood)。
- He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods. 他对于保健食品有他自己的一套奇怪的看法。
- Winning the medal was a feather in his bonnet. 获得奖章是他的荣誉。
- In a lilac sun bonnet she was it. 她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。
- bonnet hood 烟囱帽
- My brother have a bee in his bonnet about modern art. 我弟弟对现代艺术有一套奇怪固执的念头。
- In fine weather I can drive my car with the hood down. 天气好时我可以敞著顶篷开车。
- Kits consist of: Bonnet, Bonnet O-ring, Vent spring, hood &hood screws. 组件包括:阀盖,阀盖O形环,排气弹簧,阀罩和阀罩螺丝。
- A heavy jacket with a hood; a parka. 连帽雪衣带风帽的皮茄克; 连帽雪衣
- The poke of her black bonnet hide her face from him. 她那黑色帽子的前沿遮住了她的脸,使他看不见。
- A large bonnet having a projecting brim. 宽前檐女帽:有突出帽沿的一顶大的女帽
- He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow. 他把派克大衣兜帽两边都绑得紧紧的来挡住雪。
- Our teacher has a bee in his bonnet about punctuation. 我们的老师没完没了地琢磨著标点符号。
- The lens hood is used to cover up the lens. 遮光罩是用来遮盖镜头的。
- That story encapsulates scenes from his child hood. 那个故事包括了他童年时代的一些生活片段。
- I've splayed the bonnet, but the marks and scratches show through the paint. 我已把引擎盖喷了漆,但一些印痕透过油漆仍隐约可见。
- Position the latch on the hood inner panel. 把锁闩定位在引擎罩内板上。
- He has the presidential bee in his bonnet. 他想当总统想得入了迷。