- plain bone cutting scissors 平骨剪
- bone cutting scissors 切骨剪
- Cusselow's ligature cutting scissors 卡塞洛(氏)缝线剪
- flesh and cartilage cutting scissors 肌肉及软骨剪
- Hair Cutting Scissors with TiN Coated Drills and Golf Clubs 镀TiN理发剪刀片镀膜钻头及高尔夫球头
- Train services have been cut to the bone. 列车车次已大幅度减少。
- The acetabulum is then rotated to provide better coverage, and a bone plate is applied to maintain this new position and allow the bone cuts to heal. 臼部将被旋转至能提供更好的覆盖,一个骨板将被应用于保持它的新位置,和让骨头切片恢复。
- Medical instruments; wire cutting scissors without carbide inserts 医疗器械;不镶硬合金的钢丝钳
- Zi Gong argued:"The Odes says, 'like bones cut, like horn polished, like jades cut, like stone ground. 子贡曰:“诗经上曾说过:象切呀,磋呀,琢呀,磨呀,不就是这意思吗?”
- His firstborn had bones cut from bedrock, souls wrought from iron, and hearts carved of gleaming diamonds. 他的长嗣拥有从岩石中切割出的骨骼,从钢铁中锻造出的灵魂,从钻石中雕刻出的心脏。
- biarticular bone cutting forceps 双关节咬骨钳
- Councilman's bone cutting forceps 康西尔曼(氏)骨剪
- The bus service has been cut to the bone. 公共汽车服务已经削减到了最低限度。
- The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone. 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。
- Scissors are for the purpose of cutting. 剪刀是专门用来剪东西的。
- She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone. 她拚命想把鱼刺吐出来。
- Councilman's bone cutting forceps chisel 康西尔曼(氏)(平)骨凿
- bone cutting forceps for phalanx 指骨剪
- Our budget has been pared to the bone. 我们的预算已削减到最低限度。
- We need a pair of scissors when cutting the paper. 裁纸时我们需要一把剪刀。