- The Japanese market for medium-term bond financing, but it is also referred to as a repo market. Securities acting as collateral ... 指日本的债券回购市场,作为担保品的证券包括国库券和长期债券,是短期货币市场的一部分。
- Small quantity of financing enterprises issuing stock, narrow spread of industries, and no corporation bond financing are the present situation in Guizhou province. 贵州省发行股票融资企业数目少、业分布狭窄,股票发行筹资额小,公司债券融资尚属空白。
- This is contrary to Western classical theory which concludes that "endogenesis source of financing is better than exogenous financing, while bond financing is better than equity financing. 这有悖于西方经典理论得出的普遍一致结论即“内源融资优于外源融资,债权融资优于股权融资”。
- Market Oriented Urban Infrastructure and Municipal Bond Financing 城市基础设施市场化与市政债券融资
- Securities issued in the context of high yield bond financings are often complex in nature, and, because they are below investment grade, involve a high degree of risk. 在高回报债券资本市场环境中发行的证券通常都具有复杂性特点,并且因为它们低于投资级别因而会带有高度风险性。
- The credit crunch in Europe worsened over the summer as corporate bond finance issuance failed to plug the gap left by a sharp contraction of bank lending. 欧洲信贷紧缩的局面在今年夏天有所恶化。公司债券融资发行未能填补银行放贷急剧收缩所留下的缺口。
- Widely authorizes real estate debenture bond financing; 更广泛地批准地产公司债券融资;
- Finance of the enterprises, including share finance, bank credit finance, enterprises bond finance, trust, financial leasing, asset transforming into securities, risky investment, etc. 企业融资。包括股权(私募)融资、银行债权融资、企业债券融资、信托、融资租赁、资产证券化、风险投资等方面。
- Cash Flow Interpretation of China Listed Companies'Convertible Bond Financing 国内上市公司可转债融资的现金流解释
- Comparative Advantage and Empirical Analysis on Corporate Bond Financing 企业债券融资的比较优势与实证分析
- You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。
- This glue makes a good firm bond. 这种胶水粘得很结实。
- Common tastes form a bond between the two men. 共同的爱好使两人结交为朋友。
- We are financing for the housing project. 我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。
- The bond that binds the smugglers together is a rope of sand. 把走私犯联接起来的是条沙做的绳子,一碰就碎。
- Common interests formed a bond between us. 共同的利益把我们联系在一起。
- Identity of interests is the bond that unites them. 利害的一致是把他们联合起来的纽带。
- A unifying bond, especially a marriage bond. 结合一种联结的纽带,尤指婚姻纽带
- Probing into listed company's financing situation--ON China's bond financing development and its risk prevention 透视上市公司的融资现状--论我国债券融资发展和风险防范
- A bond of sympathy developed between members of the group. 该组织成员间产生了志同道合的凝聚力。