- He was a sinister and crafty speculator. 他是一个险诈的投机商。
- He's mysterious, tricky, and crafty. 他就是如此的神秘,灵巧而又狡猾。
- I determined to be bold and speak the truth. 我决心大胆把真话讲出来。
- He has a bold and uninhibited character. 他的性格豪放。
- Work on big, bold and brash revolutionary ideas. 尝试重要、大胆与直接的革命性构想。
- You should be bold and resolute. 你应该大刀阔斧。
- Female s humor means bold and immoral. 幽默给雌性动物就是过度豪放难相处。
- Planners of tunnels can now be bold and visionary. 因此,隧道规划师不但要果敢而且还要富有远见。
- His works show the color of flesh, sex and are flashy and crafty. 肉色感、色情化、浮华、矫情尽情地体现在刘力国的作品中。
- The Athenians were bold and enterprising. 雅典人勇敢而富有进取心。
- Benguela food should be Bold and the atmosphere. 吃格拉条应该豪放、大气。
- But base and crafty cowards, are like the arrow that flieth in the dark. 不过卑怯而狡猾的懦夫则往往想要暗中施放的冷箭。
- His calligraphy is bold and vigorous. 他的书法刚劲豪放。
- Lisu people are bold and unconstrained by nature. 男人种植谷物,赶马帮;
- She is bold and resolute in her work. 她干事儿可泼了。
- But base and crafty cowards,are like the arrow that flieth in the dark. 不过卑怯而狡猾的懦夫则往往想要暗中施放的冷箭。
- The bold and brilliant dream still awaits its consummation. 这个勇敢明智的理想仍有待实现。
- Second sentence is the instruction format (in bold and italic). 第二句加粗斜体的是指令格式。
- The building of such a peace is a bold and solemn purpose. 建立这样的和平,是一个无畏而严肃的目标。
- Base and crafty cowards, are like the arrow that shoots in the dark. 卑怯而狡猾的懦夫则往往想要暗中施放的冷箭。