- body working performance 人体工作效能
- I should say your working performance is not good enough. 我得说你的工作表现不够好。
- IPB"s working performance is related to its current and voltage. 母线的工作状况与它所承载的电流和电压有关。
- Good interpersonal and influence skill, good work performance. 具有良好的人际关系和影响力,工作业绩良好。
- What would your last boss say about your work performance? 你前任老板会怎么评论你的工作表现?
- Leonardo marveled at the way the human body worked. 达芬奇对于人类身体机能工作很感兴趣。
- The accident has decreased the extent of his work performance. 那场意外使的他的工作表现程度降低。
- The current main wages system of CATB is the working performance wages system. 目前民航西藏区局实行的主要是以岗位绩效工资制度为主的薪酬制度。
- The entire being is involved: mind and body working together to bring about mental and physical well-being. 整个人完全集中,身体和精神和谐工作,给身体和精神带来幸福感。
- Is plant layout adequate for the work performed? 工厂布局是否足够进行生产操作?
- Although his work performance passed muster, he always dissatisfied his boss. 虽然他的业绩还算可以,但他的老板总是对他不满意。
- Here we have the rowing machine, this is an all body work out and will also help remove the excess flab you have on your upper arm. 这个是划船机。这是一个全身性的练习而且也能帮助你减少上臂的赘肉。
- Mission Earthling is an exhibition that explores how the human body works. 地球行星任务展览让你探索人体的运作原理。
- The girl with shapely body worked the clay into the shape of an ape. 那个体态优美的女孩把泥土捏成一个大猩猩的形状。
- To manage and monitor the working performance of technical engineering team and Hotline advisor team. 管理技术培训示范员的日常工作,并建立一套切实可行的绩效衡量标准。
- The oxidants careen about, binding to and disrupting the membranes, proteins, DNA and other cell structures that make your body work. 氧化剂四处横行,结合到细胞膜、蛋白质、DNA,以及其他使身体正常运作的细胞构造,并加以破坏。
- They used encounter groups, body work, eastern meditations, gestalt, family systems, LSD, hot tubs, nudity, and the list goes on and on. 他们使用了遭遇小组,身体工作,东部凝思,形态,家庭系统,LSD,浴盆,裸体,并且名单去不停。
- The coal level in the BBD mill has very important influence on the working performance. 双进双出钢球磨煤机的煤位对磨机的工作性能有非常重要的影响。
- Not only does this keep you from getting over hungry (and reaching for the 80-calorie cookie), but it keeps your blood sugar levels steady and keeps your body working. 此举既可杜绝饥肠辘辘的情况(以防你不停偷吃每个80卡路里的曲奇),亦可保持血糖水平稳定,让身体能正常运作。
- A measure of the amount of work performed by a computer system over a given period of time, for example, number of jobs per day. 在给定的时间周期内,计算机系统能完成的总工作量的一种量度。例如每天完成的作业个数。