- Most ancient civilisations matter-of-factly acknowledged that, in the right circumstances, a gamey, earthy body odour can be a powerful aphrodisiac. 其实大多数文明古国都知道,在适宜的环境下,浓烈、本真的体味是强效催情剂。
- Germans were deemed to have bad body odour, Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work, whilst Swedes were a bit too quick to finish. 德国男人被认为体味太重,英国男人被指不够主动,而瑞典男人则有点太快了。
- To the mosquito some people's sweat simply smells better than others because of the proportions of the carbon dioxide, octenol and other compounds that make up body odour. 对蚊子而言,一些人的汗味,由于二氧化碳、八烯醇等组成身体气味的复合物比例,闻起来就是比其他人好。
- One is that people employ it to mask body odours that they perceive as bad. 第一,人们使用香水的目的是为了掩盖身上让自己觉得不好的味道;
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body. 那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。
- The odour of the human body is considered repul-sive. 人体的气味很恶心。
- The engineer caught on with a big electronics body. 这位工程师被一家大电子集团所雇用。
- A body of the enemy hung upon their rear. 一伙敌人紧紧地跟在他们的后面。
- The dog howled over its master's body. 狗对着主人的尸体哀嚎。
- Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension. 放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。
- His body was brought back to England for burial. 他的遗体已运回英国埋葬。
- The police found a body at the bottom of the lake. 警方在湖底发现了一具尸体。
- A coughing fit racked her whole body. 她一阵咳嗽全身都十分难受。
- We must discuss the class activities in a body. 我们应该全体讨论班级活动。
- They stepped over his prone body. 他们从他俯卧的身体上踩过去。
- A rash has appeared on his body. 他身上出现了丘疹。
- I am uncomfortable because my body is sticky. 我身上粘粘的,很不舒服。
- I observed the incident in body. 我亲身目睹了这件事。