Current artists combine the tradition of tattooing with their personal style creating unique, amazing body art. 当代艺术家们将传统文身艺术同他们的个性特点相结合创造出独特新奇的人体艺术。
New Zealand's body art and special effects industry is currently one of the leaders in the world when it comes to fantastical creations for Hollywood blockbusters. 新西兰人体艺术和特效产业是目前行业内的领导者之一,好莱坞大片的幻想创作不乏新西兰人的身影。
An artist's model is a person whose body or face is drawn or painted by artists or student of art. 艺术模特是艺术家或学艺术的学生画其身体或脸的人。
The defiance to the body and the fear to the sex have made a great number of freaky and perverted body in art works. 的蔑视和对身体的恐惧的性别作出了大量的古怪和扭曲的身体在艺术作品。