- bluish white porcelain 青白瓷
- It means the top-grade white porcelain. 有优质白瓷的意思。
- The jade light is chiselled and made with the sum Tian bluish white jade. 玉灯用和阗青白玉琢制。
- Blue and white porcelain has a white base with blue designs. 青花瓷是一种白地蓝花的瓷器,
- So a piece of white porcelain is a valuable collectable. 所以这白瓷还具有很高的收藏价值。
- The white jade can also be divided into white jade and bluish white jade according to the color. 白玉按颜色还可分为羊脂玉和青白玉。
- Blue and white porcelain developed and spread quickly after its emergence. 青花瓷一经出现,迅速地得到传播和发展,
- The bluish white jade is a variety of the white jade, bring light greenish blue in the color is white. 青白玉是白玉的一个品种,颜色白中带淡青。此种色不如白玉。
- Still have Fukien of virtuous turn a white porcelain product all very elegant. 还有福建的德化白瓷产品都十分精美。
- Next to Terri Payne and by the wheel of the cannon can clearly be seen a strange bluish white mist. 靠近特里佩涅并且靠近炮轮的地方我们可以看到一团奇怪的发蓝发白的烟雾。
- Reoccupy white porcelain, or simple ligneous knob does shake handshandle. 再用白瓷、或简单的木制旋钮做拉手。
- Leaf blade nearly 3-lobed, ovate-oblong. Sepals usually bluish white, vein anastomose solitary. Staminodes absent. 叶片差不多3浅裂,卵状长圆形。通常带蓝色白色的萼片,脉网结的单一;退化雄蕊缺席。
- This pieces of jade weared by baron with and Tian bluish white jade chisel, it is each that engrave by treasure that carve. 这块佩玉是用和阗青白玉琢成,是一件镂雕的珍品。
- Hot bluish white clusters of massive stars are scattered throughout the galaxy, interspersed with numerous dustier reddish regions of current star formation. 炽热的蓝白色大质量恒星群遍布整个星系,散布在众多充满尘埃略带红色的恒星诞生区中。
- The weight of general white jade is smaller than the blue and green or bluish white jade, because black jade contains relatively small weight of lighter graphite scale. 一般白玉体重小于青或青白玉,墨玉因含有较轻的石墨鳞片而体重较小。
- The emergence of blue and white porcelain is of epoch-making significance in porcelain history. 青花瓷的出现,在陶瓷史上具有划时代的意义。
- Four major kinds of porcelain are produced in Jingdezhen, of which blue and white porcelain is the most famous. 在景德镇的四大传统名瓷中,青花瓷器为其冠首,
- In the middle of a small pond Stands a pavilion of green And of white porcelain. 小小池塘的中央,矗立着一座凉亭,用绿白陶瓷建成。
- Even if the most commonly used white porcelain coffeepot, had flower set off, also can experience festal arrival. 即使是最常用的白瓷咖啡壶,有了花朵映衬,也能感受到节日的到来。
- Herbs can be ground to small pieces with this white porcelain mortar and pestle. 4. 图3:颗粒较小的药材用白磁杵臼就可以捣成粉了。