- The car almost hit Mary crossing the street and she was green around the gills because it came so close. 玛丽过街时,车子几乎撞上她,她吓得面无血色,因为只差那么一点。
- blue around the gillsadj. 脸色发白(气色不佳;有病容)
- Many passengers on the boat began to look green around the gills. 船上的许多乘客看上去要呕吐了。
- He felt green around the gills for hours after his boat ride. 在驾船出游回来后,他有几个小时都觉得恶心想吐。
- He was green around the gills when caught stealing in a store. 当他在商店偷东西被当场抓到时,吓的面无血色。
- Many passenger on the boat begin to look green around the gill. 船上的许多乘客看上去脸色苍白。
- He was caught while stealing in the store and became green around the gills. 当他在商店偷东西被当场抓到时,吓的面无血色。
- He was green around the gills when he was caught in the very act of stealing in a store. 当他在商店偷东西被当场抓到时,吓的面无血色。
- A thin scale,plate,or layer of bone or tissue,as in the gills of a bivalve mollusk or around the minute vascular canals in bone. 薄片,薄板,薄层一种薄的骨头或组织的鳞片、盘、或壳层,如双壳软体动物组成鳃的薄板或是骨内环绕小的维管的骨层或组织。
- A thin scale, plate, or layer of bone or tissue, as in the gills of a bivalve mollusk or around the minute vascular canals in bone. 薄片,薄板,薄层:一种薄的骨头或组织的鳞片、盘、或壳层,如双壳软体动物组成鳃的薄板或是骨内环绕小的维管的骨层或组织
- Someone must have told Eric that his blind date was with that ugly fatso Gloria Hogg.He was looking positively green around the gills. 一定有人告诉埃里克了,说和他初次会晤的对象就是那个又胖又丑的格洛里娅·霍格。他看上去脸青面黑的。
- The old lady is fed to the gills with this little pension. 老太太对只拿这么一点养老金感到忍无可忍。
- The thug grappled him around the neck. 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。
- He looked white about the gills. 他吓得脸色发白。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- We saw him watering the lawn around the house. 我们看见他在为屋子四周的草坪浇水。
- He just slops around the house all day. 他整天只是在屋里转来转去。
- The gills of a fish correspond to our lungs. 鱼的鳃相当于我们的肺。
- These stars appear to move around the North Star. 这些星星似乎环绕着北极星转。