- blooming and burliness 开花结实
- Flowers bloom and fade and another year goes by! 花开花谢又一年。
- Make your partnership bloom and flourish. 愿你们的恩爱开花结果,枝繁叶茂。
- Some bloom and have seeds every year. 有些竹子每年都开花结子。有些竹子则从不开花。
- The moon waxes and wanes;flowers bloom and fade. 月亮圆缺缺复圆,花儿开谢谢又开。
- Flowers bloom and trees grow new leaves. 花朵绽放,树也长出新的叶子。
- The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums. 李树开了花,结满了上等的,圆滚滚的李子。
- Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever. 雪白的花儿,愿你们盛开茁壮,永远盛开茁壮。
- Everyday guests come and go, Every year flowers bloom and wilt. 客去客来日日,花开花落年年。
- The tree is in full bloom and its forks are too many to count. 树木繁茂,丫杈多得数不清。
- O'M.Bockris / edited by Harry Bloom and Felix Gutmann. 题名其余部分: a volume in honor of J.
- Beauty is a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight. 美是一座永远绽放花朵的花园,一群永远翱翔天穹的天使。
- Meet the quality requirements of round dot should be granula, 2、smooth and burliness. 相符质量请供的网不面不该颗粒方侧、平洁、颓丧结名。
- The youth flower bloom and fade, lets me exhaustedly not regret actually. 青春的花开花谢、让我疲惫却卜后悔。
- The other one bloomed and fruited every year. 另一棵树每年都要开花结果。
- In the distance, Tulips stands there blooming and Exuding the fagrance. 因为撞见的是你,而你让我联想到“王子”,这个童话爱情故事里常有的人物。
- Blooming and slabbing mills, roughing stands of large section mills. 中小型型钢、棒线材粗轧机、热轧带钢粗轧辊、立辊。
- Blooming and slabbing mills, the back-up rolls of narrow strip mills. 开坯、粗轧、热轧窄带钢支承辊。
- The younger lady was in the lovely bloom and spring-time of womanhood. 那位小姐正处在女性含苞待放的青春妙龄。
- Algal Cultures, Analogues Of Blooms And Applications (2 Vols. 藻培养物、水华模拟物与应用(2卷集)