- The lack of such procedures was behind a bloody clash in Peru this month (see article). 这个月在秘鲁,就因为这方面手续的缺少,而导致了一场流血冲突。
- Sokoto, headquarters of Islam in Nigeria, two years ago witnessed bloody clashes between the Sunni and Shiite sects over the right to worship at the central mosque. 索科托是尼日利亚的伊斯兰教总部。两年前什叶派穆斯林和逊尼派穆斯林因为进入中央清真寺的礼拜权问题而发生流血冲突。
- The shooting happened in the provincial capital, Urumqi, a little more than a week after bloody clashes broke out there between Uighurs and members of China's ethnic Han majority. 这次枪击事件发生在新疆首府乌鲁木齐;一个多星期前,维吾尔族人和中国主要民族汉族人之间爆发了流血冲突。
- The Tin was very important raw material to smelts bronze, So this place erupted the bloody clash from the native and external, and reaches several hundred years. 锡在当时是冶炼青铜器的原料,于是爆发了当地人和外来者长达几百年的流血冲突。
- On September 28, 2000, Israeli hardliner leader Sharon forcefully enters the Islam Holy Land Sa mosque, has initiated Pakistan and Israel a time consuming bloody clash. 2000年9月28日,以色列强硬派领导人沙龙强行进入伊斯兰圣地阿克萨清真寺,引发了巴以间一场旷日持久的流血冲突。
- This month a Maoist-backed land-grab by thousands of poor people in the far west of the country led to a bloody clash with the security forces (seearticle). 本月,一起土地抢占又在国家西部偏远地区引发了一场民与警之间的血腥冲突,挑起事端的是一群毛派暗地支持的穷人。
- In an atmosphere of high tension and mistrust, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met warily at an emergency summit Monday aimed at halting bloody clashes in the Mideast. 阿拉法特和巴拉克在紧张不信任气氛下会面在高度紧张和不信任气氛下,以色列总理巴拉克和巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法特星期一谨慎会商紧急高峰会,企图停止中东流血冲突。
- Hostility erupted into bloody clashes 敌对情绪爆发为流血冲突。
- Israeli media say troops have killed three Palestinian militants, in the bloodiest clash since a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas ended last week. 以色列媒体称自从以色列和哈马斯停火协议上周结束之后,军队在暴力冲突中已经杀死3名巴勒斯坦武装分子。
- Iranian authorities, quoted in state media, said they had restored calm across the capital Sunday, a day after the bloodiest clashes in a week of demonstrations following contested June 12 elections. 内容概要:据伊朗国家媒体称,当局在周日恢复了首都德黑兰的秩序。此前一天发生了抗议活动爆发一周来中最严重的流血冲突。
- This bloody company keeps fucking me about. 这倒霉的公司一直亏待我。
- Make sure his appointment doesn't clash with mine. 一定不要让他的约会跟我的约会订在同一个时间。
- He is too bloody cocksure about everything. 他对於每一件事都过於自信。
- In April 2005, a dispute over severe pollution led to bloody clashes between police and residents of DONGYANG (893,000). Pray for justice. Prov. 21:15 东阳(893,000人)。2005年4月,严重污染事端造成警方和当地居民冲突。为正义得以伸张祷告。箴21:15
- Hundreds of soldiers died in this bloody battle. 成百上千的战士在这场血战中牺牲。
- Excuse my French, but he's a bloody nuisance! 别怪我骂人,可他实在太不是东西!
- Jack came home with a bloody nose. 杰克回家来了,鼻子流著血。
- There was a clash of wills among committee members. 委员们意愿不一,发生了冲突。
- His clothes were torn and bloody. 他的衣服撕破了并染有血迹。
- Their views clash on the new tax bill. 他们在新税法上意见相左。