- bloodline group marriage 血族群婚
- At the time Morgan wrote his book, our knowledge of group marriage was still very limited. 当摩尔根写他的著作的时候,我们关于群婚的知识还是非常有限的。
- The pairing family is the form characteristic of barbarism, as group marriage is characteristic of savagery and monogamy of civilization. 这是野蛮时代所特有的家庭形式,正如群婚之于蒙昧时代,一夫一妻制之于文明时代一样。
- This hetaerism derives quite directly from group marriage, from the ceremonial surrender by which women purchased the right of chastity. 这种杂婚制直接起源于群婚制,起源于妇女为赎买贞操权利而作的献身牺牲。
- For the period of savagery, group marriage; for barbarism, pairing marriage; for civilization, monogamy, supplemented by adultery and prostitution. 群婚制是与蒙昧时代相适应的,对偶婚制是与野蛮时代相适应的,以通奸和卖淫为补充的一夫一妻制是与文明时代相适应的。
- The gens of the Greeks is therefore no longer the archaic gens of the Iroquois; the impress of group marriage is beginning to be a good deal blurred. 所以,希腊人的氏族也绝不再是易洛魁人的那种古老的氏族了,群婚的痕迹正开始显著地消失。
- Among other peoples, hetaerism derives from the sexual freedom allowed to girls before marriage -- again, therefore, a relic of group marriage, but handed down in a different way. 在其它一些民族中,这种杂婚制起源于允许姑娘们在结婚前有性的自由,因此也是群婚制的残余,只不过这种残余是通过其他途径传到今天的。
- Today we know that the traces he found do not lead back to a social stage of promiscuous sexual intercourse, but to a much later form -- namely, group marriage. 现在我们知道,他所找出的这些痕迹,决没有追溯到杂乱性交关系的社会阶段,而只是返回到晚得多的一个形式,即群婚制。
- This advance could not in any case have originated with the men, if only because it has never occurred to them, even to this day, to renounce the pleasures of actual group marriage. 这个进步决不可能发生在男子方面,这完全是由于男子从来不会想到甚至直到今天也不会想到要放弃事实上的群婚的便利。
- Whether pairing marriage has completely supplanted group marriage in America today is a question to be decided by closer investigation among the peoples still at the upper stage of savagery in the northwest, and particularly in South America. 要弄清现在美洲的群婚是否已完全被对偶婚所排除的问题,必须更加仔细地研究一下还处于蒙昧时代高级阶段的西北部民族﹑特别是南美的各民族。
- The recognized form of marriage in Sparta was a pairing marriage, modified according to the Spartan conceptions of the state, in which there still survived vestiges of group marriage. 在斯巴达,是一种由国家根据当地的观点而改变了的对偶婚制,这种对偶婚制在有些方面还像群婚。
- This fact has contributed considerably to the confusion of the missionaries, who have regarded group marriage sometimes as promiscuous community of wives, sometimes as unbridled adultery. 这种情况,在不小的程度上助长了传教士中间的混乱,这些传教士们有时把群婚看作一种杂乱的共妻,有时又把它看作一种任意的通奸。
- As our whole presentation has shown, the progress which manifests itself in these successive forms is connected with the peculiarity that women, but not men, are increasingly deprived of the sexual freedom of group marriage. 以上全部论述证明,在这种顺序中所表现的进步,其特征就在于,妇女越来越被剥夺了群婚的性的自由,而男性却没有被剥夺。
- This or a similar form of group marriage also provides the simplest explanation of the accounts in Herodotus and other ancient writers about community of wives among savages and barbarian peoples. 同样,这种群婚形式或与它类似的群婚形式,最容易说明希罗多德及其它古代著作家关于蒙昧民族和野蛮民族中共妻情况的报告。
- Caesar's report of the Britons, who were at that time in the middle stage of barbarism, "every ten or twelve have wives in common, especially brothers with brothers and parents with children," is best explained as group marriage. 如果说,恺撒曾告诉我们说,当时处于野蛮时代中级阶段的布列吞人,他们“每10个或12个男子共妻,而且多半是兄弟和兄弟,父母和子女”,那么,这最好解释为群婚。
- Build 40 acres of North Bridge chai dairy farming area, the number of dairy cattle to reach 1200, San Lu Group marriage in a positive and build Milking the Office of mechanization. 建成40亩北桥寨奶牛养殖小区,奶牛数量达到1200头,积极和三鹿集团联姻,建成机械化挤奶厅。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- group marriage | communal marriage 集团结婚
- He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。
- The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people. 那群野蛮的士兵杀了很多人。