- Under the transmission electron microscope,the neurohypophysis was composed of unmyelinated nerve fibers,pituicytes and connective tissue abound in blood capillaries. 在透射电镜下观察,神经垂体主要由无髓神经纤维、垂体细胞及富含毛细血管的结缔组织组成。
- And the type of endothelium is continuous without fenestra.There often are red blood cells in the lumen of blood capillaries. 心肌之问的毛细血管内皮连接紧密,为无窗孔的连续内皮型,管腔内常见红细胞。
- Both capsula and partition consisted of smooth muscle fibers, blood capillaries, fibroblasts, fibrocytes and interstitial cells. 被膜和隔膜中含有平滑肌纤维、毛细血管、成纤维和纤维细胞以及间质细胞。
- Red blood cells (RBC) shuttle through the close, numerous vessel networks among human bodies and deform shape when getting past blood capillaries. 红血球在人体绵密的血管网络中穿梭,经过微血管时会有挤压变形的现象产生。
- White blood cells can squeeze through the endothelial cell layer (lining) of blood capillaries by amoeboid movement (NOT through diffusion). 红血球的双凹面圆盘形可以增加它的表面积(不是增加它所带的氧气),以利气体的扩散。
- The observations show that pars nervosa is composed of monmyelinated nerve fibres and terminals, pituicytes, ependymal cells, blood capillaries and connective tissue. 观察结果表明,脑垂体神经叶由无髓神经纤维及末梢、垂体细胞、室管膜细胞、毛细血管、结缔组织构成。
- Laser treats the price of blood capillary dilate. 激光治疗毛细血管扩张的价格。
- Methods An immnohistochemical staining technique was utilized in the liver using a monocioal anti-body laminin to observe the lymphatic capillqries and blood capillaries. 方法利用层黏蛋白单克隆抗体标记毛细血管和毛细淋巴管的基底膜,对肝脏组织进行免疫组化染色。
- More than skin deep, this thickening and hardening of connective tissue affects the blood capillaries, the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, and the heart. 结缔组织的增厚和变硬对毛细血管、胃肠道、肺和心脏产生影响。
- Treat blood capillary tumor how effectively? 怎样有效治疗毛细血管瘤?
- Contains extracts from three natural sources - dunaliella salina algae, palm fruit oil and marigold flowers ?that are beneficial to body parts with dense blood capillaries, such as eye cells. 提炼自三种天然浓缩素,包括杜氏海藻、棕榈果油及万寿菊,对微丝血管密集的部位如眼球细胞起重要保护作用。
- VEGF was expressed in blood capillaries and large-diameter blood vessels, while exogenous NGF promoted VEGF expression in regenerating sciatic nerves, thereby increasing angiogenesis. VEGF在毛细血管和较大管径血管中都能表达,外源性神经生长因子能促进再生坐骨神经中的血管表达VEGF,从而促进血管的生成。
- Are blood capillary burst and blood capillary dilate same?? 毛细血管破裂和毛细血管扩张一样吗??
- Fungous hemangioma coexists with blood capillary tumour sometimes. 海绵状血管瘤有时与毛细血管瘤并存。
- Does tumour of child blood capillary need treatment? 孩子毛细血管瘤需要治疗吗?
- Dilate of blood capillary of inherent film shallow-layer congests. 固有膜浅层毛细血管扩张充血。
- Or it is the fiber appearance spot with scar shape smooth face, without dilate of apparent blood capillary, ulcer and apophysis. 或是疤痕样表面光滑的纤维样斑,无明显毛细血管扩张、溃疡及隆起。
- At inflammation, not expedite blood is blocked up in cutaneous blood capillary, meet color of skin is inhomogenous. 于发炎,不畅通的血堵在皮肤的毛细血管里,就会肤色不均匀。
- Dilate of shallow-layer blood capillary congests, see ooze blood and cell of neutral of be addicted to occasionally. 浅层毛细血管扩张充血,偶见渗血及嗜中性细胞。
- Videomicroscope,SIAscope and photoacoustic probe can detect the morphosis of dilated blood capillary. 观察PWS形态结构的技术有体视显微镜、分光光度计皮内分析、光声探测技术等。