- It sustains the world system on the lower planes. 它维持着世界体系的较低层面。
- If it is so, China as the core would be the normality of the world system. 果如此,则以中国为核心,就是人类世界体系的常态。
- Wallerstein, I. (1974): The Modern World System, New York, London, Academic Press. 在百度搜索更多:与“9.11”后的世界经济:体制与增长一样优秀的文章
- Wallerstein and modern world system theory are sharply criticized by some scholars, which impels world system theory to develop and reconstruct. 沃勒斯坦和现代世界体系理论受到一些学者的尖锐批评,这促进了世界体系理论的衍化和重构。
- The Game is a signal of beginning of rediscovery and reexamination of age-old Chinese wisdom and culture in the Euro-American centered World System. 此次奥运也象徵著在现今以欧美为中心的世界体系里,重新发现和重新考验古老的中国智慧的一个开端。
- Wallerstein is the chief representative of the world system theory, who has a critical attitude to the capitalism world system. 摘要沃勒斯坦是世界体系论的主要代表人物,对资本主义世界体系持批判态度,被学术界称为“新左派”。
- Although the capitalist world system is in powerful position all along, its decline is inevitable, and probably will touch off big upheaval. 虽然资本主义世界体系一直处于强势地位 ,但其衰落势所必然 ,并有可能引发大的动乱。
- The world system headed by imperialism brings dilemma to human development, and the communists must insist on the struggle for peace and justice. 帝国主义主导的世界体系带来人类发展的困境,共产主义者应坚持争取和平、公正和正义的斗争。
- The modern capitalist world system has frequently given rise to great powers, which usually, in turn, impair the " security dilemma" of the international anarchic system. 现代资本主义世界体系导致大国频繁崛起,大国的频繁崛起又往往加剧无政府状态国际体系中的“安全困境”。
- Besides, it is argued that a beneficial American world system allowed Taiwan to implement successfully its EOI policy.Both unprecedented levels of the U. 此外,一个有利的美国世界体系,亦提供了台湾成功执行出口导向策略的环境。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- Among them are the commercial model,the demographic model,the Marxian dynamic, the spirit of capitalism,world system analysis and the environmental history. 根据研究方法、研究角度的不同,可以分为商业说、人口说、阶级说、文化说、世界体系说、环境说。
- block world in question answering 问答积木世界
- C.Tilly: The Formation of Nation States in Western Europe, Princeton Uni.Press, 1975, Chapter 9;I.Wallerstein: The Modern World System, New York: Academic Press, 1974. 而且经验研究亦表明,即使是西方诸国的现代化道路亦不是划一的。
- The heating system in this block doesn't work well. 这个街区的供暖系统不太好用。
- How do present Third World systems of education fit into this holistic view of the meaning of rural development? 如何使第三世界现有的教育体制适应农村发展的整体意图?
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The office block is under offer. 办公大楼已有人出价购买。
- The presupposition of the "China threat" leitmotif is precisely China's capacity to influence on a massive scale our world system, but it is also assuming that this impact will be negative. 持有“中国威胁论”观点的人认为,中国将大规模地影响世界体系,而且多属负面的。