- block printed document 雕版印刷文献
- His ancestors once published a poetry anthology in block print. 他的先人曾经刻书出版过诗集。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the printed document is collated. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示打印文档是否逐份打印。
- This format includes all of the text and graphics of the printed document. 此格式包含印刷文件的所有文字和图片。
- Cancels all print documents on this printer. 取消这台打印机上所有的打印文档。
- Reports provide a flexible way for you to display and summarize your data in a printed document. 报表提供了一种在打印文档中显示和汇总数据的灵活方式。
- Completes the control sequence that determines when and how to preview a page in a print document. 完成控制序列,该序列确定何时以及如何预览打印文档中的页。
- Completes the control sequence that determines when and how to preview a print document. 完成控制序列,该序列确定何时以及如何预览打印文档。
- Begins the control sequence that determines when and how to preview a page in a print document. 开始控制序列,该序列确定何时以及如何预览打印文档中的页。
- In creation, many artists are bogged down because of the repetition of works with the same pattern and invariable styles. This hinders the development of block print. 在创作过程中,同一样式作品的重复及画风的结壳现象使众多画家陷入困境,阻碍了版画的发展。
- Begins the control sequence that determines when and how to preview a print document. 开始控制序列,该序列确定何时以及如何预览打印文档。
- The printed documentation is a subset of what is available online. 印刷文档是可用的在线文献的子集。
- Second, it possesses the force character of block print in woodcut that the depiction of environment and personage are powerful and profound everywhere and wi... 二是具有木刻版画的力度特征,环境描写、人物刻画处处刀锋毕现,道劲有力,有一种“力之美”。
- Wei Dan is credited with developing an ink for block printing about 400 A.D. 人们公认是韦诞于公元400年发明了一种用于木版印刷的油墨。
- Many of the TrueType (TrueType font: A font (typeface) that appears on a printed document exactly the way it appears on the screen. 许多与Office一起提供的TrueType字体(TrueType字体:打印件与屏幕显示完全一样的一种字体。
- The set of block printing books are of considerable collector's value. 这套明代刻印的书,如今具有很高的收藏价值。
- The principal's idea stemmed from a plain desire. With the aid of the time-honoured art of block print, he hoped to instil in the children a love for reading and appreciation of beauty, so that they can enjoy fun and pleasure while they learn and study. 校长的出发点很平实,只是想通过藏书票这个古老的印刷方式,结合美的教育和阅读习惯,让学生通过一种更轻松有趣的认知过程,加强学习效果。
- Field codes in the header or footer will not appear in the printed document. To have the field code appear in your printed document, insert the code within the body of your document. 页眉或页脚中的字段代码不会出现在打印文档中。如果希望在打印文档中出现字段代码,请在文档的正文部分插入代码。
- The principal's idea stemmed from a plain desire. With the aid of the time-honoured art of block print,he hoped to instil in the children a love for reading and appreciation of beauty,so that they can enjoy fun and pleasure while they learn and study. 校长的出发点很平实,只是想通过藏书票这个古老的印刷方式,结合美的教育和阅读习惯,让学生通过一种更轻松有趣的认知过程,加强学习效果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。