LianDa is a Company specializing in tubular motors for shutters, awnings,garage doors,fire shutters,blinds and screens userd in home and buildings. 联大是一家专业生产管状电机的制造企业,其产品广泛用于家用或商用的卷帘门,遮阳蓬,车库门,防火门,百叶窗和投影幕等设施。
It's cleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasure hour organizing you closet.Happiness is your family assembled at dinner. 幸福是一边聆听抒情曲一边清洗百叶窗,是用一段愉快的时光去整理你的壁橱,是你的家人在一起聚餐。
Suspending tightly woven mesh shade screens, bamboo shades, or exterior roller blinds outside windows can help insulate your home from the boiling sun. 在窗户外,将编织洞很密的遮光屏,竹帘,或者是户外滚动式窗帘悬挂起,这能将你家的房子同那滚烫的太阳隔绝。
While in prison,Hunt transformed his cell in the prison infirmary into a bower of bliss with blinds,rose-trellised wallpaper,busts of poets,and flowers. 在狱中,亨特把自己在监狱疗养所里的牢房用窗帘,玫瑰格子壁纸,诗人雕像和鲜花布置成一个栖身的胜地。