- A doe blind in one eye was accustomed to grazing as far from the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety. 为了更安全,这只独目雌鹿习惯了尽量在远离峭壁的地方吃草。
- He is blind in one eye. 他一只眼睛失明。
- "That stranger resembles Robin Hood,"thought the Sheriff. "But his hair is dark and he is blind in one eye. “那个陌生人长得像罗宾汉,”郡长想着,“但是他的头发是深色的,而且一只眼睛是瞎的。
- Blinded in one eye;can't hardly hear.I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere;always losing my line of thought. 我有一只眼睛瞎了,耳朵也基本听不清了,身体到处抽搐,我还经常忘记事情,但是你知道么?
- Mr.Daws: Blinded in one eye;can't hardly hear.I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere;always losing my line of thought. 我有一只眼睛瞎了,耳朵也基本听不清了,身体到处抽搐,我还经常忘记事情,但是你知道么?
- "Blinded in one eye;can't hardly hear.I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere;always losing my line of thought.But you know what?God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to be alive. 在我们生命中遇上的每个人每件事都是一堂课堂,记得那个很有趣,被雷电打中七次的人吗?
- Her vision is restricted in one eye. 她只有一只眼睛有视力。
- The exam showed that he had poor vision in one eye. 测验表明他一只眼睛视力不好。
- Mr.Daws: Blinded in one eye;can't hardly hear.I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere;always losing my line of thought.But you know what?God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to be alive. 我有一只眼睛瞎了,耳朵也基本听不清了,身体到处抽搐,我还经常忘记事情,但是你知道么?
- "I'm blind in the one eye,can't hardly hear,get twitches and shakes out of nowhere,always losing my line of thought. 我的一只眼睛瞎了,耳朵几乎聋了,我会平白无故地抽搐,并且总是忘记自己想说什么。
- MR.DAWS: I'm blind in the one eye...I can't hardly hear...I get twitches andshakes out of nowhere...I lose my line of thought... but you know what... 当我瞎了一个眼睛,几乎听不见晨间喧嚣,动不动就抽搐,总是丢三落四,上帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒我,能够活着已经是桩幸运的事了。
- be blind in one eye 瞎了一只眼
- The jaguar's massively thick skull protects him from death, but the pellets blind him in one eye and shatter his left foreleg. 虽然美洲豹因厚大的颅骨而免于一死,但子弹射瞎了牠一只眼睛,左前腿也瘸了。
- MR.DAWS: I'm blind in the one eye...I can't hardly hear...I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere...I lose my line of thought... but you know what...God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to be alive... 当我瞎了一个眼睛,几乎听不见晨间喧嚣,动不动就抽搐,总是丢三落四,上帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒我,能够活着已经是桩幸运的事了。
- But he had not gone far when he met a Fox, lame in one foot, and a Cat blind in both eyes. 但是他没走出多远,就遇到瘸了了一只脚的狐狸和瞎了双眼的猫。
- The pilot had to fly blind in this weather. 在这种天气飞行员只好盲目飞行。
- But one hunter found out that she was blind in one eye. He rowed a boat under the cliff, and shot her from the sea. 但是一个猎人发现她的一只眼睛是瞎的,就划着船从海上将她射杀了。
- He accidentally splashed acid in his face and he may lose his sight in one eye. 他不小心将酸液溅了一脸,他的一只眼也许要瞎了。
- I'm blind in the one eye...I can't hardly hear...I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere...I lose my line of thought... but you know what...God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to be alive... 当我瞎了一个眼睛,几乎听不见晨间喧嚣,动不动就抽搐,总是丢三落四,上帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒我,能够活着已经是桩幸运的事了。
- The camel must be blind in the right eye. 那骆驼一定是右眼瞎了。