- EXIT: Bleed out in a couple of 360 degree turns. (YOU NEED ALTITUDE! 改出:由一系列360改出(需要高度)所有的动作中,把握时机非常重要。
- T-bag:Let's see how manytimes I can shout out about your little hole in there before I bleed out, huh? 我们看看在我死掉之前,我能喊出多少次你有个小洞嗯?
- T-baget's see how manytimes I can shout out about your little hole in there before I bleed out, huh? 我们看看在我死掉之前,我能喊出多少次你有个小洞嗯?
- We could see the oil bleeding out from the joint. (那时)我们可以看出油从接缝处渗出。
- Both children had been eviscerated, dying of massive trauma before they'd bled out. 2个孩子的内脏都被清空了,在失血过多前就已经因为过度的伤痛死去了。
- Analysis of Bleed out for Corner Crack During Billet Casting 小方坯连铸机角裂漏钢分析
- Think it's time we recognize, we've got a problem in paradise angels fall from trouvled skies, wolves lay bleeding out upon the ice. 是该觉醒的时候了!我们的天堂已经出现了问题!天使从混沌的空中降落;狼群在淌满鲜血的冰原中倒卧.
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- Femoral vein is relative safer place. however, if the patient has IVC injury, femoral line work work, because transfusion or IV fluids just bleeds out. 经股静脉中心静脉置管术相对比较安全,但是,要是病人下腔静脉损伤,则输注的液体回流过程中将从下腔静脉破损处漏出。
- The boss tried to bleed his employees for every penny they had. 老板力图从雇工们身上榨取出每一分钱。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- She is pounding out a new rune on the piano. 他正在钢琴上弹奏一支新曲。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- He has a knack of falling out with everyone. 他有个怪癖,总是和每个人吵架。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。