- bleak and chilly are the desolate hills and streams... Rich reds wither, glossy black is sprinkled with white." 其意萧条,山川寂寥”的凄凉景色,更看不到那种“渥然丹者为槁木,黟然黑者为星星”的悲秋。
- But at that time the sky was not as bleak and desolate as now. 那时候,天空不象现在这样荒凉。
- The weather in early December was bleak and unpleasant. 十二月初的天气又阴冷又难受。
- We have sultry days and chilly days. 有的日子闷热,有的日子寒冷。
- The weather in December was bleak and unpleasant. 十二月份的天气是惨淡而令人难受的。
- It was an unusual day for summer, damp and chilly. 这是夏季少有的一天, 又湿又凉。
- Mainly used in cooking curries and chilly dishes. 使用在煮咖哩和辣椒菜式。
- This used to be a bleak and barren gully. 过去这里是荒凉的穷山沟。
- Would you give me some ketchup and chilli sauce? 请给我一些番茄酱和辣椒酱。
- Though the greenness of plants and trees still didn't fade,the world had already presented a realm of bleakness and chilliness. 虽然花草树木都还是绿的,但是时令究竟是冬天了,一片萧瑟荒寒气象。
- Their reception was bleak and discussions not at all friendly. 他们受到的接待是冷淡的,会谈中丝毫没有友好的气氛。
- The rooms with a northern exposure are too damp and chilly. 朝北的屋子太荫。
- Life in the Aran islands has always been bleak and difficult. 安瑞岛上的生活一直都是艰苦的,没有希望的。
- There is rich capsanthin and chilli orange in capsicum annuml. 红辣椒中含有丰富的辣椒红素、辣椒黄素。
- Kung-pao chicken,Beancurd with pepper and chilli sauce. 宫爆鸡丁、麻婆豆腐。
- Bleak and desolate;barren. 凄凉的,偏僻的;贫瘠的
- Later,with the rapid extension of sea routes,the ancient Silk Road was gradually forgotten and deserted,and Dunhuang,too,became increasingly bleak and desolate,with its historical accounts scattered. 后来,随着海上航线迅速延伸,丝绸古道逐渐湮废,敦煌也变得日趋萧条荒寂,文史零落了。
- Bleak and desolate; barren. 凄凉的,偏僻的;贫瘠的
- "I do not remember very much more about that day, except that the sun seemed to have stopped shining and the country no longer looked beautiful and full of promise, but bleak and desolate as it sometimes does in winter or in times of drought. "那天的事我记不大清楚了,只记得当时阳光惨淡,田野也失去了美丽的丰采和欣欣向荣的景象,萧瑟凄凉得跟冬天或大旱时一样。
- Later, with the rapid extension of sea routes, the ancient Silk Road was gradually forgotten and deserted, and Dunhuang, too, became increasingly bleak and desolate, with its historical accounts scattered. 后来,随着海上航线迅速延伸,丝绸古道逐渐湮废,敦煌也变得日趋萧条荒寂,文史零落了。