- Their research in rocketry blazed the way for space travel. 他们在火箭方面的研究开辟了太空旅行的道路。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- The plane stop over in Lyons on the way to Paris. 这架去巴黎的飞机在里昂中途停留。
- Even if I have to walk all the way I'll get there. 即使一路走着去,我也得赶到那里。
- I hate the way he made up to these people. 我讨厌他向这些人献殷勤的样子。
- I like boots that lace up all the way to the top. 我喜欢带子一直能系到靴口的长筒靴。
- Plant need water the way they need sun light. 植物需要水就像它们需要阳光一样。
- The soldiers were surrounded, but they tried to blazing the way through the enemy. 战士试图冲出去,尽管已被敌人包围。
- Her social life get in the way of her study. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。
- Please put these odds and ends out of the way. 请把这些零碎东西放到一边去。
- She is unschooled in the way of the world. 她不懂人情世故。
- It's a crime the way he bullies his children. 像他那样欺负自己的孩子真缺德。
- Louisa have go abroad, but that's just by the way. 路易莎出国了,不过这只是顺便说说。
- Mind out (of the way) you're blocking the passage. 让让(路)--你挡道了。
- The way ahead was blocked by fallen trees. 前面的路被倒下的树挡住了。
- I don't like the way she speaks. 我不喜欢她说话的样子。
- He is resentful at the way he has been treated. 他对所受的待遇感到忿恨。
- He's always knocking the way I do things. 他总是挑剔我做得不对。
- On the way they had run into a high wind. 在路上,他们碰上了大风。
- That's the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。