- The sun set in a blaze of glory. 夕阳在壮丽的余辉中西沉
- In a blaze of fury he shout at his wife. 狂怒之下,他冲着他太太吼叫。
- In a blaze of anger he shouted at us. 他盛怒之下,对我们大声叫嚷。
- She's much given to outbursts of temper. 她老爱发脾气。
- The new building was a blaze of light. 那幢新大楼一片灯光。
- She was again out of temper with me yesterday. 她昨天又对我生气。
- Jane is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of character. 珍妮是个好姑娘,她那顿脾气很反常。
- The high street is a blaze of lights in the evening. 晚上大街上灯火辉煌。
- A brief, wavering blaze of light. 闪光短暂而摇曳的光
- Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper. 她为人厚道、慷慨大方,倒也弥补了她偶尔发点儿脾气。
- London was a blaze of pageantry and colour. 伦敦到处是辉煌的庆典、色彩斑斓。
- She soon gets out of temper if things do not go as she would like them to. 如果事情没有像她所希望的那样发展,她就会马上发脾气。
- We warmed our hands near the blaze of the campfire. 我们在篝火的火焰旁暖手。
- They got married in a blaze of publicity. 他们结婚的事受到了传媒大力宣扬。
- The flowers made a blaze of red. 花(开得)一片艳红。
- She broke the plates in a fit of temper. 她一气之下把盘子摔碎了。
- Everywhere Meggie looked was a blaze of color. 麦琪到处都能看见那种鲜艳的色彩。
- She is a nice girl; her fit of temper was indeed out of character. 她是一个温文和善的姑娘;她突然大发脾气真是出人意料。
- He is never out of temper, not even in trouble. 他从来不发脾气,即使遇到烦恼也不发火。
- The high street is a blaze of light in the evening. 晚上大街上灯火辉煌。