- Parker Formation coal mine blast mining method adopted, with 450 employees. 柏家沟煤矿采取爆破采煤法,拥有职工450人。
- Discussion on lump coal rate of drilling and blasting mining method for thin seam in Fujian Province 福建省薄煤层炮采块煤率问题的探讨
- blasting mining method 崩落法
- Controlled blasting is the key technique of mining method and stoping technology. 控制爆破技术是采矿方法及回采工艺实施中的关键技术。
- By employing the VCR mining method,the experiment of blasting funnel must be carried out on the spot in order to ensure the parameters in mining by globular dynamite charge. 使用VCR采矿法进行采矿时,必须就地进行爆破漏斗实验,以确定利用球状药包落矿时的爆破参数。
- Discussion on the Mining Method of Jilongshan Mineral Industry Co., Ltd. 鸡笼山矿业有限公司采矿方法探讨。
- A new process mining method was presented based on Markov transition matrix. 提出了一种基于马尔可夫转移矩阵的过程挖掘方法。
- Bigjelmapro: I always support productive space programs and missions. I just hope it doesn't go as far as blast mining the moon. 我始终支持开发性的太空计划和任务,但希望在密集开发月球这一点上不要走的太远。
- Borehole hydromining is a kind of safe and efficient new mining method . 钻孔水力采煤是一种既安全、又能极大地提高资源利用率的新的采矿方法。
- The blasting mining caving coal face,large indination and overhand mining technology is successfully applied in Chaohua Coal Mine of Zhengzhou Coal Industry Group Comp. 郑州煤业集团超化煤矿采用炮采放顶煤工作面大倾角仰采技术取得成功,解决了大倾角采煤工作面的支架失稳问题。
- We have raised the coal output by using better mining methods. 我们利用更好的采煤法增加了煤炭产量。
- When a person steps on a blast mine and activates it, the mine's main charge detonates, creating a blast shockwave consisting of hot gases travelling at extremely high velocity. 当一个人的步骤爆炸的地雷和激活,该煤矿的主要负责引爆,造成爆炸冲击波组成的旅游热气体在极高速度。
- The adaption of mining method is the similarity between the mining conditions of designed mine and adaption capacity. 而采矿方法的适应性实质上是指其适应范围与设计矿山开采条件的近似程度。
- A treelike model of data produced by certain data mining methods. 由某些数据挖掘方法生成的数据的树状模型。
- Application and Development of Filled Stope Mining Method in Underground Mine of BAIYIN Nonferrous Metals Co. 白银公司井下矿山充填采矿方法的应用。
- The coal face of blasting mine in underground coal mine is a very complicated system of disaster environment, the spatio-temporal limit increases the accident probability of blasting operations. 煤矿井下炮采工作面是一个非常复杂的灾害环境系统,又由于时间、空间的限制,使得炮采工作面爆破作业引发事故的可能性增加。
- Application of Sublevel Chamber Mining Method in Jinan Steel City Mining Co., Ltd. 分段矿房法在济南钢城矿业公司的应用。
- Small blast mines will severely damage a tire, rendering it unrepairable while some types could also damage adjacent running gear. 小地雷爆炸将严重损害轮胎,使其上不同时某些类型也可以破坏邻近的运行状态。
- Through to between two mining method contrast,The demonstration appears has the mining method superiority. 通过对两个采矿方法之间的对比,显示出现有采矿方法的优越性。
- Practical experiences with shrinkage mining method for pillar extraction over the pust ten years were summarized. 从我矿资源和矿柱回采实际情况出发,总结了近十几年来用留矿法回采底柱的实践经验。