- Roof Control Method of Blasting Caving Coal 炮采放顶煤顶板控制方法
- blasting caving coal 炮采放顶煤
- The blasting mining caving coal face,large indination and overhand mining technology is successfully applied in Chaohua Coal Mine of Zhengzhou Coal Industry Group Comp. 郑州煤业集团超化煤矿采用炮采放顶煤工作面大倾角仰采技术取得成功,解决了大倾角采煤工作面的支架失稳问题。
- The top coal broken mechanism and reasonable determination of caving coal heigh in caving coal faces are expounded. 主要阐述了放顶煤工作面顶煤破碎机理及放煤高度的合理确定;
- The article describes that the caving coal of thick coalseam fully-mechanical face is successfully measured by micro-eletronic computer scales. 大同煤矿集团公司忻州窑矿两硬厚煤层一次采全高综放工作面,通过微电脑秤测量放煤量获得成功。
- According to the experiences with rapid drilling in mechanized caving coal roadway, the author analyzes and proposes the measures to improve drilling - speed. 根据多年机掘煤巷快速掘进施工经验进行因素分析并提出了进一步提高快速掘进的措施。
- This paper introduces the design of light-duty roof caving coal hydraulic support equipped with flat tramcar and transport ation on ground and under ground. 介绍轻型放顶煤液压支架(下文简称轻放支架)配套平板车的设计过程及轻放支架在煤矿地面、井下的运输过程。
- Analyses the factor that effect on the percentage of recovery in longwall mining with caving coal face,approaches the access to raise the percentage of recovery. 分析了影响综采放顶煤回收率的因素,探讨了提高回采率的途径。
- The longwall coal mining method along a direction,coal-mining technology,longwall coal mining method along the dip,and caving coal technology are discussed. 对单一走向长壁采煤法、采煤工艺、倾斜长壁采煤法以及放顶煤采煤技术进行了论述;
- Keywords blasting mining;caving coal;large indination;overhand mining; 炮采;放顶煤;大倾角;仰采;
- The fully mechanized caving coal mining under the railway in mine area will result in difficult maintenance of railway because of great deformation and subsidence speed of terrene and railway. 在矿区铁路下进行放顶煤开采所引起的地表及铁路的变形量大,变形速度快,从而导致矿区铁路维护困难。
- The extinguishment experiences of comprehensive mining caving coal in Nanshan Coal Mine are introduced from the system arrangement, the sequence and construction of the coal lane digging. 从南山煤矿综一队综采放顶煤工作面的系统布置、煤巷掘进的顺序和施工等几方面,介绍了南山煤矿的综采放顶煤的消防火经验。
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。
- interval caving coal between two cutting 双轮间隔放煤
- fully mechanized and caving coal face 综放工作面
- The party was going on in full blast. 聚会进行得热闹非凡。
- fully mechanized caving coal face 综放工作面
- My brother plays his records full blast in his bedroom every night. 我弟弟每天晚上在他的卧室里大声放录音机。
- A blast of the trumpet gave her a start. 突然发出的喇叭声吓了她一跳。