- Rich black soil; black, wavy hair. 肥沃的黑土; 黑色卷发
- Rich black soil;black, wavy hair. 肥沃的黑土;黑色卷发
- Beans onions and rice grow in the black soil of the delta. 豆洋葱以及稻米生长在河口附近的黑色土壤里。
- No one can successfully replicate the black soil so far. 目前为止还没有人能够成功地复制黑土壤。
- Bud drop under the tree already only soft, black soil. 树下的落芽早已扫尽,只有柔软的黑土。
- Analysis on water-adjustment capacity of black soil in the farmland. 农田黑土水分调节能力分析。
- Effect of Shajiang black soil amended by coal fly ash on ecological factors and residue of heavy metal in wheat field. 粉煤灰改良砂姜黑土对麦田生态因子及重金属残留的影响。
- Landscape pattern and its functioning after ecological reconstruction in black soil region of northeast China. 黑土侵蚀区生态重建的景观结构与功能分析。
- The black soil consists of many nutriments that comefrom other resources, which include the rich phosphor. 黑土壤包含了许多其他来源的营养素,其中包括丰富的磷元素。
- The Effect of Ecosystem Succession on Soil Structure Properties in Black Soil Region of Northeastern China. 东北黑土区生态系统的演变对土壤结构性质的影响
- Open LTV,to taste the fragrance of the black soil,to feel the bold and unconstrained custom of the Liaohe River. 打开LTV,感受扑面而来的黑土气息,体会粗犷、豪放的辽河风情;
- The gas choromatographic was used to study the absorption of pendimethalin in black soil and sand soil. 为了明确二甲戊灵在土壤中的吸附性能,采用气相色谱技术,研究了二甲戊灵在草甸土和砂壤土中的吸附特性。
- Big black soil, loess and sand rock and soil, mostly acidic, fertile osteoporosis. 土壤有大黑土,黑黄土、沙岩土,多呈酸性,疏松肥沃。
- The soil is yellow brown loam or yellow brown earth or mortar black soil with about 6.5 PH value. 零星分布于常绿针叶和落叶阔叶混交林下,黄棕壤土或黄褐土或砂姜黑土,土壤ph值约6.;5环境中。
- The cause of black soil ecological system frangibility was interacted by natural and artificial factors. 黑土生态系统脆弱性成因自然因素和人为因素共同作用的结果;
- The dissolution properties of Pb(NO3)2, PbO, and Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2, were expressed as: brown soil>black soil>meadow soil (P<0.01). Pb(NO3)2、PbO和Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2溶解性表现为棕壤>黑土>草甸土(P<0.;01)
- With the spring wind of "China Year" in Russia and famous green brand on black soil, a green wave of Heilongjiang rose on the Neva River. 乘着举办俄罗斯“中国年”的春风,携着黑土地上的绿色品牌,黑龙江在涅瓦河畔涌起了绿色浪潮。
- Hg(mercury)concentration of black soil in Yushu city of Jilin Province was investigated,and influencing factors were analyzed. 调查了吉林省榆树市黑土的汞含量状况,并分析了土壤及粮食作物的汞含量的影响因素。
- Yi`an lies on the famous black soil belt of the world and soil is mainly composed of meadow soil and chernozem and is very fertile. 项目概述: 依安位于世界著名的黑土带上,土质以草甸土、黑钙土为主,土壤肥沃,适合甜菜、马铃薯等农作物生长。
- Ma black soil mostly soil, soil relatively fertile and important planting winter crops of wheat, faba bean, corn, potato, barley and so on. 土壤大部分为黑麻土,土质比较肥沃,农作物重要种植冬春小麦、蚕豆、玉米、薯类、青稞等。