- black male chauvinism 黑人男权
- She was angry about his male chauvinism. 她对于他的大男子主义非常生气。
- Betty had no idea what male chauvinism was. 贝蒂不知道大男子主义是怎么回事。
- People who support equal rights for women fight against male chauvinism. 支持男女平等的人反对大男子主义。
- The club is one of the last bastions of male chauvinism. 这个俱乐部是大男人主义的最后堡垒之一。
- I have been a male chauvinist pig, I admit it. 我承认我是个大男子主义者。
- A doll fashioned in grotesque caricature of a Black male. 高力华格奇形怪状的黑色男木偶
- Even evidences of male chauvinism amongst her friends would infuriate her. 她的朋友中有谁流露出一点大男子主义的苗头,也会使她怒不可遏。
- The value of Dickson's creation lies in dissolving male chauvinism authority. 狄金森创作的价值正是对这种美学权威的消解。
- My boyfriend has a bit of male chauvinism, he doesn't like to do housework. 我男朋友有点大男人主义,他不爱做家务。
- My boyfriend has a little male chauvinism, he doesn't like to do housework. 我男朋友有点大男人主义,他不爱做家务。
- My boyfriend have some of male chauvinism,he do not like to do housework. 我男朋友有点大男人主义,他不爱做家务。
- My boyfriend has a bit male chauvinism,he don't like doing housework. 我男朋友有点大男人主义,他不爱做家务。
- When she tried to become an engineer, she came up against a lot of male chauvinism. 当她试图成为工程师时,她面对许多男性沙文主义。
- If witnesses report a theft by a young black male, it would be absurd for the police to look for suspects among other groups in the population. 如果证人声称盗贼是个青年黑人男子,那么,警察要是去别的人群类别中寻找嫌疑犯将是荒谬的。
- Family violence such as wife beating is rising as a result of resurgent male chauvinism. 男权主义思想的死灰复燃,导致了家庭暴力如殴打妻子的事件不断增多。
- I have been a male chauvinist pig; I admit it. 我承认我是个大男子主义者。
- I hate working for that male chauvinist pig Steve. 我讨厌给史蒂夫这个可恶的大男子主义者干活。
- Man has a sense of superiority which was given by woman,but a single woman can have life well without male chauvinism. 男人有股莫名优越感,其实是女人给的,不受大沙猪主义影响,单身的女人一样可以活得漂亮。
- In the comic book series, however, Al Simmon's murderer was originally Chapel, a black male character originally created by Rob Liefeld for the comic Youngblood. 数年过后,艾尔成为梅博基亚亲手挑选训练的闪灵悍将。艾尔肯服从命令,有杀手的直觉,也愿意谈条件,这一切都符合梅博基亚的要求。