- A tall military hat made of black fur. 熊皮高帽部队用的黑色皮制高帽
- It has black fur on ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. 它有黑毛耳朵,黑眼睛圈,黑鼻头,黑色四肢和肩膀。
- That gorilla has long arms, a black face, and black fur. 那只大猩猩有长长的臂,黑色的脸及黑色的皮毛。
- It has been trapped for its valuable Brownish Black fur. 常被诱捕以获取其贵重的浅棕黑色毛皮。
- They are huge like dire wolves (with the occasional resemblance to wolfhounds), with shining red or black fur. 他们就像恐狼一样大(极少数的时候有点像爱尔兰猎狼狗),有着光亮的红色或黑色毛皮。
- Tasmanian Devils have black fur, sometimes with white patches, and have long whiskers and tufts on their heads. 塔斯马尼亚魔鬼有黑色皮毛,有时白色补丁,并长期胡须和塔夫茨对他们的头上。
- Her houndstooth jacket, black fur scarf and black hat gives her a sophisticated look of higher society. 她的千鸟花纹的外套,黑色长毛围巾和黑色帽子赋予她老练的上层社会的感觉。
- Elka's parents have black fur but it is thought the infant's orange colour helps parents to spot them in the wild. 爱儿卡的父母全身都是黑毛,但一般认为,猴宝宝的橙毛有助于父母在野地找到牠们。
- Our cat has glossy black fur. 我们的猫的毛皮又黑又亮。
- A large, ferocious cat(Panthera pardus)of Africa and southern Asia, having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur. 豹,美洲豹,美洲虎一种凶猛的大型猫科动物(金钱豹),原产于非洲或亚洲南部,既有玫瑰花状斑点的黄褐色皮毛,也有黑色皮毛
- A large,ferocious cat(Panthera pardus)of Africa and southern Asia,having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur. 豹,美洲豹,美洲虎一种凶猛的大型猫科动物(金钱豹),原产于非洲或亚洲南部,既有玫瑰花状斑点的黄褐色皮毛,也有黑色皮毛
- A large,ferocious cat.Panthera pardus)of Africa and southern Asia,having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur. 豹,美洲豹,美洲虎一种凶猛的大型猫科动物(金钱豹),原产于非洲或亚洲南部,既有玫瑰花状斑点的黄褐色皮毛,也有黑色皮毛
- A large, ferocious cat(Panthera pardus) of Africa and southern Asia, having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur. 豹,美洲豹,美洲虎一种凶猛的大型猫科动物(金钱豹),原产于非洲或亚洲南部,既有玫瑰花状斑点的黄褐色皮毛,也有黑色皮毛
- Her hand touched the long, thick, black fur tenderly, and she felt a twinge of pity for the poor creature whose hide it had been in life. 她的手温和摸着长长厚厚的黑裘皮毛,想到藏匿的可怜的生物还是活着的,她感到一阵遗憾。
- A large, ferocious cat (Panthera pardus) of Africa and southern Asia, having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur. 豹,美洲豹,美洲虎一种凶猛的大型猫科动物(金钱豹),原产于非洲或亚洲南部,既有玫瑰花状斑点的黄褐色皮毛,也有黑色皮毛。
- A large, ferocious cat (Panthera pardus) of Africa and southern Asia, having either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur. 豹,美洲豹,美洲虎一种凶猛的大型猫科动物(金钱豹),原产于非洲或亚洲南部,既有玫瑰花状斑点的黄褐色皮毛,也有黑色皮毛
- Several weeks after birth, a langur's yellow fur begins to fade and is gradually replaced by dark black fur, except for the head and tail. 出生几个星期后,除了头部和尾巴的毛发,叶猴的鲜黄色毛发渐渐被新长出来的深黑色毛发所替代。
- These famously feisty mammals have a coat of coarse brown or black fur and a stocky profile that gives them the appearance of a baby bear. 这些小东西长有粗糙的褐色或者黑色皮毛,而且身材矮胖像极了处在幼年的熊仔。
- In the eastern part of their range, most of these bears have shiny black fur, but in the west they grow brown, red, or even yellow coats. 在它们生活区域的东部,大部分黑熊长有富有光泽的黑毛,但在西部,他们则长着棕色、红色甚至是黄色的毛。
- White wolves used to benefit when snow was more plentiful, but now black fur provides them with greater stealth when the wolves hunt in snowless places. 白狼通常在大雪之下都能得到较好的狩猎优势,但黑色毛发的出现,令到狼群们在无雪的地方都能够隐密地狩猎。