- black as my hatadj. 很黑的(漆黑的)
- as black as my hatadj. 很黑的(漆黑的)
- (as) black as my hat 漆黑的
- Figs, apples, pears, and soil mark as black, black as my wife's hair. 有无花果、苹果和梨子,泥土是黑的,黑得像我妻子的头发。
- Please go down the ladder and chuck up my hat. 请下梯子把我的帽子扔上来。
- They are coming to the party as my guests. 他们作为我的客人出席晚会。
- Let me see where did I leave my hat? 让我想想看--我把帽子落在哪儿了?
- Things don't look as black as that. 情况并非如此之糟。
- I must take my hat off to you for your good show. 我得为你的出色表演向你致敬。
- I take my hat off to him as a tennis player. 我承认他是一个卓越的网球选手。
- Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat? 你知道你坐在我的帽子上了吗?
- My father loves me as much as my mother does. 我父亲和我母亲一样爱我。
- There was a scuffle and I lost my hat in the melee. 因发生一场斗殴,我的帽子也在混乱中丢失了。
- My hat was blown off while I was crossing the bridge. 过桥时风吹掉了我的帽子。
- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside. 外表皮肤是白,可骨子里却沥青般的黑。
- He is not so black as he is painted . 他不像人所形容的那样坏。
- You might as well advise me to give up my fortune as my argument. 你劝我停止辩论,倒不如劝我抛弃一切财产。
- I take my hat off to him for the way he arranged the party. 我对他安排社交聚会的方式表示佩服。
- It was as black as pitch inside the room. 房内漆黑一片。
- I'm not as black as you paint me. 我并不是如你所想象的那样坏。